By Grace Performance Team Competes In DanceOut National Dance Competition


Members of the By Grace Performance Team from By Grace Performance Studio competed in the DanceOut National Dance Competition National Finals in Branson at the Branson Hillside Theatre June 24th-29th. The team competed 18 numbers including solos, duets, trios, and groups. Following are the results:
Double Platinum Winner: Benjamyn Diaz, lyrical solo, 2nd Overall High Score
Platinum Award Winners: Evangelyn Diaz, Eastyn Foster, Stella Kubilus, Hallie Grace LaRue, tap group, 1st Overall High Score
All Team Open Group, 2nd Overall High Score
Benjamyn, Evangelyn, Jasmyn Diaz, open trio, 1st Overall High Score
Benjamyn Diaz, Madison Huey, Keira McConnell, lyrical trio, 2nd Overall High Score
Benjamyn Diaz, Eastyn Foster, Keira McConnell, jazz trio, 2nd Overall High Score
Evangelyn Diaz, Stella Kubilus, Hallie Grace LaRue, jazz trio, category winner, 4th Overall High Score
Keira McConnell, lyrical solo, 5th Overall High Score
Haysel Avis, Benjamyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Madison Huey, Ashlyn McConnell, Keira McConnell, lyrical group, 5th Overall High Score
Eastyn Foster, jazz solo, 6th Overall High Score
Benjamyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Madison Huey, jazz trio, 8th Overall High Score
Jasmyn Diaz, Ashlyn McConnell, musical theatre duet, 9th Overall High Score
Evangelyn Diaz, tap solo
Benjamyn Diaz, open solo
Madison Huey, jazz solo
Gold Award Winners: Haysel Avis, Benjamyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Madison Huey, Ashlyn McConnell, tap group, 8th Overall High Score
Jasmyn Diaz, category winner, 10th Overall High Score
Ashlyn McConnell, lyrical solo
Benjamyn Diaz, Madison Huey, and Keira McConnell were given the “Breath of Fresh Air” judges’ choice award for their trio “Up, Up, and Away”. Our all group open number “Toy Story Remix” received the “Outstanding Showmanship” award.
Soloists, Benjamyn Diaz, Evangelyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Ashlyn McConnell, and Keira McConnell participated in the “Title Competition”. The contestants performed solos on stage along with being asked to demonstrate certain dance moves and participated in a formal interview with the judges. Jasmyn Diaz was named Miss Teen DanceOut and Benjamyn Diaz was named Mr. Pre-Teen DanceOut.
Several of our numbers were asked to compete/participate in the Final Showdown and our tap group performed by Evangelyn Diaz, Eastyn Foster, Stella Kubilus, and Hallie Grace LaRue was named the Grand National Champion in their category.
Benjamyn Diaz was named a member of the Elite Performance Team and had the opportunity to perform in a group number with other elite team members from across the country.
The team is directed by Vanessa Diaz and Jess LaRue.