Commission Candidates Focus On Deputy Salaries


Keeping good law enforcement was a big topic for both incumbent Northside Commissioner Rick Fosnow, and challenger Mark Larson. Both candidates have ideas how to address that, and a recent effort that did address that. Incumbent Rick Fosnow stated what he has supported and accomplished for Henry County deputy retention. “We passed a $1 an hour raise for our deputies,” said Fosnow. “That has been several months ago.” According to unopposed sheriff candidate Aaron Brown, that current salary is $18-per-hour for most deputies. Brown and opposing candidate Mark Larson are not happy with that amount. “Guys (deputies) are not going to (risk) getting shot for $18 bucks an hour,” said Larson. “I pay my employees well, and as your commissioner I will work to do that same thing for Henry County.” According to the city of Clinton Facebook site about their recenly passed Public Safety Tax, the city will make revisions to their current pay schedules, meaning significant raises for all policemen. The site also states that they will hire four additional town road officers. Fosnow says that tax is how the city is raising their police salary scales. “They (residents) passed a (public safety) tax to do that,” he said. Fosnow declined to support a tax for the county to do the same thing. “We were able to come up with the $1-per-hour amount,” he said. “We were not able to come up with more.” Larson did not support a tax increase either, but he did say the revenue the county does bring in, has to be prioritized. “We need to take care of roads, bridges and law enforcement,” he said. “Then we can distribute what is left.” Larson further said that budgets can be trimmed, to come up with deputy salary money. “Lets get rid of the fluff money,” he said. Fosnow disagreed. “Mr. Larson thinks that money can be taken from the budget,” he said. No set amount of a new higher Clinton policeman salary has been set, according to Clinton City Clerk Wendee Seaton. “A city budget meeting on that was July 13,” said Seaton. “We will also meet for that on August 7.” Both candidates strongly support Senate Bill 190 and the General Assembly’s recent wording addition for senior property tax relief. Even with the potential effect on future county budgets. “I will (vote to) implement that bill and tax relief,” Fosnow said. Larson insists the implementation, will still allow for deputy salary increases. “Our deputies are not going to lose (out) on their (needed) pay raise,” Larson said, “Just because the county implements Senate Bill 190.” The Republican Primary election will be on August 6, three weeks away.