Competing for new industrial development is a hard enough job for municipalities already.
Now there is a limit on available electric power.
Mark Dawson, economic development director spoke to the city council about the challenge on July 2 during the regular council meeting at the municipal building in Clinton.
Going over the latest directive from Evergy Power Company, Dawson told the council the news straight up.
“Right now we cannot provide more than 10 megwatts (MW),” said Dawson. “That is not enough for our potential industry Project DODGER.”
According to Business Energy Advisor, manufacturing plants on average require 95.1 kilowatt hours per square foot. That limits how far 10 MG can power up.
“A 10 MG capability is not enough for most industrial loads we are competing for right now,” Dawson said. “Project DODGER would bring 75-100 high paying jobs and a very large capital expenditure (CAPEX) in physical assets.”
Another utility is capable of supplying more power, but there is a big catch.
“Osage Valley Electric Coop can give more than 10 MG at our airport industrial location,” Dawson said. “But there is no sewer capability.”
All of the current challenges will change with the coming year.
“In 2025 Evergy will have more power generation coming online,” Dawson said. “Their limit for new industry will go to 25 MW.”
Dawson reported on two additional development projects that he is competing for.
“Project PROP is possible for the industrial development site near the airport,” he said. “It is for a small business needing space.”
“Another is Project FROST. It is a large manufacturing firm looking for 225,000 square foot sites,” Dawson said. “It would bring 150 jobs and invest well over $125 million.”
Councilmen were very interested in the FROST project. It would possibly go to the Gerhart Industrial Site on West Highway 7.
“Is the FROST proposal finished?,” asked 2nd Ward Councilmen Greg Shannon.
“Yes,” Dawson said. “I have submitted everything to the consultant. All we know, is that it is a food products format.”
The city council will tentatively meet again at 6 p.m. on July 16, in the municipal building in Clinton.