Heritage Tractor Delivers Help For Clinton Animal Shelter Pets


People seeing the Heritage Traveling Tractor driving along Highway 7 on July 2nd might have thought it was heading for Olde Glory Days. The tractor was in full 4th display with its flag-painted hood and the Stars and Stripes flying from each rear fender. It was on a different mission, though.
It was delivering a big check, plus a real one for $1,000 to the Clinton Animal Shelter. The donation was part of the company’s “Heart of Heritage” focus, a concern for Heritage Tractor’s co-workers, customers and communities. This year, Heritage is donating $1,000 to each of the communities it serves—there are 21 in all from northern Arkansas thought Kansas and Missouri.
The recipients of the donations are chosen by the employees at each location, with Clinton’s animal shelter being the local recipient.
Abbie Cardwell, parts lead at the Clinton Heritage Tractor said that the employees selected the shelter because they realized the need. “We’re all animal lovers, and we know that the shelter is always in need of a lot of things and that the $1,000 should help.”
The check was presented on July 2nd at the shelter and gratefully accepted by Pam Stocking representing the board and director. Zoey, a mixed breed pup expressed her appreciation as well as that of all the shelter’s occupants.
Director of the shelter, Heidi Crabtree, said that the money would be used for ‘medical expenses’ rather than for food. “Funds are tight right now,” Crabtree said, “so this donation is really appreciated. We are very grateful.”
For more information on the shelter and its needs, go to its Facebook page or call 660-885-7999. Heritage Tractor can be reached by calling 660-885-4821.