The Shepherd Calls


Our house has a sunroom on the back. It faces east, and many mornings I watch the sun rise. It is always beautiful. A large hay field abuts our property at the back. In the middle of the field is a hefty clump of trees. The sun rises just to the north of those trees and drifts southward until it is out of my viewing range.
Some mornings the clouds cover the sun; but with its first orange arc, the sun melts the clouds away. Like I said, it is lovely to watch. Yesterday we had five inches of wet sticky snow. During the night, I lay in bed dreaming the sun would sparkle through the snow-covered trees. Alas, this time the clouds were stronger than the sun.
Despite the clouds, the sun lighted the earth enough to enjoy the snow. The world really looks different under a snowy white blanket. The snow gathered in bunches on the naked limbs of the crepe myrtle. The bushes looked like white flowered geraniums. Our place is modest, but the open field gives one a small sense of the earth’s enormity and grandeur.
Please do not misunderstand me. I am not a nature worshiper; however, I passionately worship the God who made nature. There is a hymn I love to sing. I took singing lessons in high school; they did not help, so I usually sing alone.
For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies . . .
Hill and vale and tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light . . .
Lord of all, to Thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise.
Think about it like a good hostess preparing, making sure everything is right for her guests. God prepared everything; then He invited us. He readied this beautiful universe for you and me to enjoy with Him. Now, isn’t that just like a loving God?