CFD Presents Fire Safety Program At CCA


Captain Reno from the Henry County Fire Department visited Clinton Christian Academy on Wednesday, October 9th, to speak to students in grades PK-5 about fire safety and how to correctly prepare for a fire emergency. Students were told about smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, what they do and how they help save lives. Captain Reno explained how the batteries in smoke alarms need to be changed every 6 months, an easy way to remember is when the clocks are moved forward or backward, you should change your smoke detector batteries.
The fire department prepared a skit that showed what to do if the smoke detector goes off in your house while you are sleeping. If this happens, roll off the bed, crawl to the door, feel the door with the back of your hand to see if it is hot, if it is, stay in your bedroom and go to the window. If you are on the main floor of your house and you can safely climb out, then get out, but if you can’t, wave a blanket out the window and wait for the fire department to come help.
Some items that could cause an unexpected fire are: leaving your phone charger under a pillow, putting clothes on top of extension cords, and leaving your towel on a heater. Another helpful hint was to make sure your room is always clean, so if there is an emergency you can get out without stepping or tripping on things on your floor.
Parents are encouraged to talk about fire safety with students and to have a safe meeting place if a fire were to occur at their residence. Thank you Clinton Fire Department!