Local news
The Clinton City Council met in regular session on September 3, with Mayor Carla Moberly presiding. Attending were Council Persons Gene Henry, Roger House, Austin Jones, Gary Mount, Greg Shannon and …
When Patty Bartz was in high school, she remembers walking over to the Dari-Burg for lunch. For 20 cents, you had to make a choice, she said — a burger, grilled cheese sandwich or hot dog, plus …
The memories feel fresh for many even 23 years later. About 75 people gathered last week on 9‐11 to remember a day that forever changed the country. The crowd included members of law enforcement, …
In 1999, Jeff and Amber Rowe and Michael and Michele Parks started discussing the possibility of an alternative educational option in Clinton. When they decided to move forward, the first person they …
In March of 1994, Dorotha and Leroy Swopes of Branson celebrated their wedding anniversary at the KATY Railroad Depot in Appleton City. Across the street from the depot was the old Durley Hotel, a …