Church News


From The Pastor's Desk

Where are the dead?

This past Memorial Day many visited cemeteries placing flowers on their loved ones graves. So the question that so easily comes to mind is simply, where are the dead?
Many believe that the dead no longer exist. Some believe in purgatory, a kind of holding cell until further notice. Some believe in soul sleep; that they are asleep awaiting the resurrection. Many others believe their souls go either to heaven or to hell.
Many will twist the scriptures around to fit their personal beliefs. I have been studying this for many years. While many will counter most everything I say from here on, I will share with you what I believe the scriptures teach.
In Philippines 1:20, Paul says "to live is Christ and to die is gain".
I just cannot understand what gain he would have if he is asleep in the ground.
He goes on to say "to be with Christ is far better". So dying is better than living.
Jesus said in Luke 16 that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom and that the rich man died and went to hell. Some say this is a parable and that a parable has only one thought. So therefore, Jesus wasted words. Accordingly, then this is story with names or an unusual parable with names. Either way, Jesus never wasted a single word. Jesus warned about idle words (Matt 12:36-37). He never spoke one.
David was going to see his dead baby (2 Sam 12:23) and dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23).
Job said His redeemer lives and after the worms eat his body he would see God (Job 19:25-26).
Paul also said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Cor 5:10).
Moses, Elijah (Luke 9:28-36) and Samuel (I Sam 28) were all seen after death in bodily form by the living.
The thief on the cross went to sleep or to paradise (Matt 27:38-44)?
Our citizenship is in heaven or in the grave (Phil 3:20) (Heb 12:23)?
Spirits left their graves after Christ's death (Matt 27:52).
Jesus was seen by over 500 hundred people after His death (I Cor 15).
Christ preached in hell to spirits and took souls to heaven (Ephesian 4:9).
Jesus also said that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are alive (Luke 20: 37, 38).
So it would seem that the spirits of men and women are alive somewhere.
I am Pastor Johnie J. Logue of Grace Baptist Church outside of Warsaw at 31046 Hwy MM. Services are at 10 :00 AM, 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Sundays. Call (660) 281-4775 for more info.

Hopewell Baptist Church

Those that Cannot Hear Must Feel. The word hear is mentioned 505 time in the Bible. Are we hearing God’s voice? Are we letting our light shine for others?
Genesis 6:9-13, God found Noah and his family of 8 righteous out of billions. Noah preached to unbelieving people for 120 years, but they did not hear. Noah and his family board the ark and the earth is destroyed by the flood. In Exodus 7, God tells Moses to meet Pharoah and tell him to let His people go. Seven days, and 9 plagues later, Pharoah still said no. Pharoah’s heart was so hard he could not hear, so he felt. Genesis 19, 2 angels tell Lot to alert his family that Sodom and Gomorrah will be destroyed. Lot is trying his best not to hear. Fire destroys Sodom and the angels said don’t look back, but Lot’s wife did, and she turns to salt. We serve a merciful God, but He will say, those who could not hear, will feel.
There are examples of those who heard and did not have to feel. In Jonah Chapter 3, Jonah went to Nineveh, preached an 8-word message, and the whole city turned from their wicked ways to God. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit descended to the Apostles, they spoke so everyone could understand, and 3000 were saved. In Acts 4, Peter and John preach, get thrown in jail and 5000 people were saved.
He who has ears, let him hear - Matthew 15:11. This is my Son whom I love, listen to Him. Matthew 17:5. The Bible teaches us to hear and tell others the good news. Revelation 20:11-15 tells us those who chose not to hear will face judgement. Jesus took the sins of all believers on the cross. If we don’t tell others about Jesus, who will? Are we content that someone else will do it? God wants to use us to perform His will, like Isaiah saying, here am I, send me. People will hear and be saved.
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m. We have a new Sunday evening Children’s Program at 5:30 p.m. with Adult Bible Study at 6 p.m. Our mid-week Bible Study is Wednesday at 6 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. each Sunday on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Warsaw Christian Church

Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares
for you
-1 Peter 5:7

This is a very encouraging verse. Do Christians ever struggle with anxiety? I do, and am I the only one? God invites us to cast all our anxieties upon Him (the Greek word can be translated as concerns, fears, worries). I believe that means we are to pray when we are anxious. We are to confess to God that we are afraid of ________________ (fill in the blank). Our fears and worries are many. What if the wrong person is elected President? What if I get cancer? What if the economy collapses? What if I lose my job? I could go on and on listing things people fear. We are not to allow our fears to dominate. All kinds of physical and mental disorders follow in the wake of worries. Don’t cling to them. Give them to God in prayer.
But won’t God be disappointed with me if I admit to Him my many fears? He will undoubtedly be disappointed with you if you don’t! Peter reminds us that God cares ---- He cares for me and you. That is why we can cast our fears upon Him; He cares for us. How wonderful it is to know that the God with whom we have to do is a God who cares. He loves you but cannot bless you as long as you cling to your anxieties. Lay them at the foot of the cross and receive the forgiving love of God.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

We are growing in members. Next Sunday we will be baptizing another new believer. She joins all of her family in serving Christ. Welcome to her. Happy birthday to Pam Ernsting and Maddie Barnes. There were a lot of children in Sunday school today. It was good to hear youngsters voices in church. Camps are starting up this week so make plans for your children or youth to attend. It will be a great time in the Lord for them.
Act 18 was the pastor’s text. He talked about the boldness of Paul in his ministry. Paul stayed with Priscilla and Aquilla while in Corinth. He was a tent maker as well as them. Paul worked wherever he went to preach the word of God. Priscilla and Aquila were some of the first Christians.
When Paul was preaching to the Jews they got abusive toward and wouldn’t listen to them. Paul tore off his clothes and told them their blood was on their heads. Once you have heard the word it is on your head to accept it. If you’re not saved it is on you. God told Paul that He would protect him wherever he went.
Paul was bold in his preaching. God calls on us to be bold for Christ. Tell others about Jesus. Show and tell of your love for Christ. Love people enough to tell them the truth about Christ. Remember Jesus Christ love you.

Warsaw First Church Of The Nazarene

Good morning! ‘And one called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of armies. The whole earth is full of His glory.”’ Isaiah 6:3 is a wondrous anthem of hope. Just thinking about the entire earth being full of God’s glory brings hope to those of us who know Him as Savior. A hope that is meant to be shared as the light from the lighthouse showing the way to a safe harbor for ships near the coastlines covered with dangerous rocks. Maybe Revelation 4:8 which is often sung in songs of worship brings hope with these words ‘...and day and night they do not cease to say, “ IS THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, who was and who is and who is to come.”
Indeed, Jesus is coming and as believers we are to be prepared while preparing the earth for His full glory! We are called to prepare His kingdom for we are kingdom builders motivated to share the transforming Gospel to all the nations as revealed to us in John 3. Are we His chosen people? Can we be separated from God’s love? How close can we get to our Heavenly Father today? These are all valid questions that open the heart to the work of His grace in service to the Lord of Lords. Are we building His kingdom here on earth like the one in heaven? Over the next six to nine weeks, many of us at the Church of the Nazarene will seek to answer these questions in our studies on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Please join us in fellowship and the journey for we are a harbor of grace.
Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM followed by service at 10:45. Wednesday evening prayer starts at 6:00 PM followed by Bible Study. Hope you will join us!
May God’s blessing be upon you and your families,
Pastor Andy Lavender
(660) 641-2957
Email: warsawnaz712@

Unity Of The Lakes

Rev. Don was not able to give his service 5/26/24 due to a storm. This Sunday 6/9/24 he will continue his Gospel's Miracles series with The Centurion's Servant's healing. The scripture reference is Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10. He will also show its relationship with the healing of The Official's Son found in John 4:46-54. As with all of the scriptures we will find how these stories relate to our life today. Rev. Don would love to know the miracle story you would like him to provide a greater explanation of. Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome. Join us for service and stay for refreshments and fellowship. After our fellowship Rev. Don will begin his class on Lessons in Truth. Please join us for as little and as much as you would like. Follow us on Facebook. We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South. We look forward to to seeing you. "You are the light of the world."