Church News


Why I Preach

We have piped unto you and you have not danced.  -Matthew 11:17

We recently watched a Christian movie during Wednesday night prayer meeting called "Play the Flute". I highly recommend it.
I often complained about the location of our church. Highway MM is very hilly and curvy. Yet, we have 100 cars or more drive by our church almost every day. I receive something on social media all the time wanting to help grow our church for a price.
Over the years, I have not succumbed to programs, gimmicks and activities in order to increase our attendance. I have knocked on most of the doors in a five mile radius including Warsaw with no success to speak of. I have not kissed a pig or preached on the roof. Moreover, I have not compromised the Word of God to increase our attendance.
We have held revivals, dinners and had singing groups come in. I have regretted some of those decisions.
I think of the upcoming election and the hurricanes in Florida. I think of the loss of my friends in the past month. I have empty pews and memories of the dead that rest in my mind from time to time.
I think of all of the distractions I have faced this week. Sometimes they distract me from Bible study and prayer.
I continue to preach for people who are spiritually dead.
I am Johnie J. Logue, pastor of Grace Baptist Church. You can reach me at (660) 281-4775.

Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 26:57-75 Jesus is arrested and taken before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish court. They don’t have a crime to convict Him of and are looking for witnesses. Many false witnesses came forward but no two could agree on what Jesus had done that was deserving of death. Then two came forward and declared Jesus said He was able to destroy the Temple of God and rebuild it in 3 days. Jesus never said this. He never talks about destroying the Temple. He says they will destroy it, and He will rebuild it in 3 days. They know there is really no evidence, so Caiaphas asked if Jesus was going to answer. Jesus is silent. Their decision was already made so it would not matter what He said. The High Priest says, tell us if You are the Son of God. They don’t believe Jesus could be the Military leader they were looking for. Jesus replies, you have said so. Then he infuriates Caiaphas saying, from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven. He is given all power to slay the giant, horrible beast. Jesus is saying Caiaphas has become the beast and Jesus has come to slay the beast. Caiaphas starts screaming, we must kill Him, and the crowd agrees. They can’t handle that they are wrong. They start beating Jesus with their fists and spit on Him. He is a threat to everything they hold dear.  

Takeaway, stop trying to defend yourself to others. Just share the love of Jesus with them. Another person’s opinion of our lives should not mean so much. The Bible decides what is right or wrong, nothing else. The words of others are not enough. Only Jesus is enough. When we fail to put Jesus first, we follow willy-nilly ideas. You, Jesus and the scriptures determine what is right. We put our faith and trust in Jesus only! The Bible is God’s word. Let’s treat it like it has value.  

Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., regular Bible Study Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 p.m. with our Children’s Program Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

It was a great time at our church Saturday night.  We hosted a Fall Festival with food, games, fellowship and a hayride.  There were lots of people who came to enjoy the evening.  Everyone had a great time.  Some of the ones at the festival came to Worship service today.  God bless them and pray they come back to visit. Pray for those who are in need of healing.
We have many birthdays this month.  Tommy Winfrey, Kaylin Boone and Nataliegh Klaiber celebrated today.  Happy birthday to them.  We started a children's sermon today in worship.  Nataliegh led the first one.  There were 14 youngsters that came to hear what she had to tell them.  
1 John 1 was the text for the sermon today.  Fellowship was the subject.  We had lots of fellowship at the festival and that is the way God wants us to be with Him.  In some free things there is sometimes a catch but with Jesus there is none.  Where is the fellowship if you don't go to church.  Claiming to be a Christian means fellowship with God and others.  It is easier to walk in the light as you grow in Christ.  
With willful sinning there is no forgiveness.  Only by the blood of Jesus are you cleansed.  God knows what we are going to do.  Jesus is our advocate. 
Be a Christian always because people should know you love them.  It is easier to walk in fellowship if you are a Christian.  1 John 9 says " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 
Unity Of The Lakes
Ordained Unity Minister, Reverend Sandra Duncan is speaking Sunday, October 20th!
She will speak about: Discovering the Power Within: Unveiling Our Divine
Today, we delve into a life-changing concept, a core teaching in Unity, inspired by Eric Butterworth's transformative book, Discover the Power Within You.
We are invited to awaken to a radical truth: that God is not a distant figure, but a presence within us—ever available, always active.
Luke 17:21: "The kingdom of God is within you."
Let us explore this together!
Please join us for our 11 AM service at
34948 Hwy 65 South, Warsaw, MO.
All are welcome!
Warsaw Christian Church
Shane Wood is a Professor of New Testament at Ozark Christian College in Joplin. He releases a brief video teaching weekly. One I watched was very applicable to me. I can’t give all the details of his teaching in this short article, but the essence of it had to do with faithfulness. Using the account of the Gadarene demoniac in Mark 5, Shane emphasizes the difference between “numerical success” and faithfulness.

Shane’s teaching is a comforting reminder that what God requires from each of us is not numerical success but unwavering faithfulness. We must all introspect and ask ourselves: Are we earnestly striving to be faithful to the Lord Jesus? If our hearts are set on serving Him with fidelity, that is all He asks of us. The outcomes, be they growth or decline, are in His hands.

Of course, how your church grows or declines is not the pastor’s job alone but a task all share. Jesus told the Gadarene demoniac to return to his people and tell them what God had done for him. The Gaderene wanted to personally accompany Jesus, but Jesus said “No” to that request. As he faithfully obeyed what the Lord told him to do, many in that area came to believe in Jesus.

The pastor’s job is to preach and teach biblical truth faithfully, especially the Gospel of Jesus. Our job is to tell others what Jesus has done for us and encourage them to trust and follow Jesus. If we are faithful, God will take care of the results. Whether we are a mega-church or a small church, we want to be loyal to Jesus.