City Council Met With Jam Packed Agenda


The City Council meeting on June 4, 2024, was packed with important updates and decisions for the community, highlighting various improvements and plans.
One of the standout announcements was the opening of a new ice cream shop in downtown Clinton. This new addition promises to bring a sweet treat for both residents and visitors, enhancing the downtown area’s appeal.
In the realm of public works, the Street Department received approval to close streets for the upcoming Old Glory Days parade and the inner circle of the square for the associated carnival. This decision is expected to facilitate smooth and safe celebrations.
Due to ongoing repairs on a pump, the summer pool season will commence at the indoor pool. This temporary measure ensures that residents can still enjoy swimming activities despite the delays.
The Artisan Park parking lot has undergone necessary repairs and, with striping pending, is now ready for use. Significant efforts are also being directed toward major repairs at the Deer Creek pump station, with a focus on relocating the elevator safety controls to a more accessible location for better safety and maintenance.
Street repairs on Allen Street have been completed, contributing to improved infrastructure. The council also approved bids for manhole repairs, indicating continued attention to the city’s maintenance needs. Additionally, the cemetery building is set to be replaced with a new metal structure by June 13, marking a significant upgrade for the facility.
In other news, Jan House was reappointed to the Clinton Housing Authority, ensuring experienced leadership in this vital area. Upcoming budget meetings were announced, with dates set for June 13, July 10, and August 7, providing critical opportunities for discussing the city’s financial planning and priorities.
This meeting underscored the council’s commitment to enhancing community facilities and services. Residents are encouraged to stay informed and attend future council meetings to keep up with ongoing developments and contribute to the community’s growth.