City Of Lincoln Will Advertise Nostalgic Playground Equipment


Under old business the Lincoln City Council held a discussion about the nostalgic playground equipment in the city park.

Following routine business on Monday, October 14, Mayor Nelson said he had spoken with the Chamber and the Park Board concerning the carousel, the ferris wheel and the little train. He had made three contacts about the future of the items. Two said dispose of it and one suggested making it into a monument. The problem is that insurance companies refuse to give any coverage for the old equipment leaving the parks and the city liable if any claims are made.

The Park Board wants the city to handle the matter. They plan to advertise it all over the country. Any funds received from the sale will be put back into new playground equipment. Mayor Nelson said there will have to be an appointed committee to handle the matter.

The police report stated they had received 61 calls in September with 16 reports taken; 32 traffic stops and 2 motor vehicle accidents. They had made 3 arrests.

On September 27, Officers responded to Cardinal Apartments in reference to stealing. Upon investigation, officers took a report on a stolen scooter. Over the next few days officers located a subject during the overnight hours roaming town taking items out of junk trash piles. During follow up on the subject officers located the stolen mo-ped and another one that had not been reported yet. The mo-peds were recovered and the subject identified as Eric Pruitt, was arrested and charged with stealing.

Also on September 27, officers took a report of a nuisance dog located on Lamine Street. The victim reported a neighbor’s dog had broken its chain and attacked her dog who did not survive the attack. During the investigation a witness had advised both dogs had been running free and she was attempting to return the dog to the owners after breaking its chain when the victim’s small dog came running at them. The witness reported that time she was unable to keep hold of the larger dog as it attacked the smaller dog. At this time there have not been any charges filed against the dog owner as this was not neglect or adequate care issue. The owner had care of and control of the dog prior to the chain breaking.

There was no public works report as Josh Cole was out of town.

City Clerk Sabrina Brown asked if December 6 would work for the Christmas gathering for the city. Everyone agreed and the date was set. Ms. Brown asked council to approve a credit card for Police Chief Breshears and they approved. Brown had spoken with Lynette Stokes from Meow Mission, about vaccination of pets in the city limits and Ms. Stokes said she would get grant funding to cover that. Ms. Brown concluded by announcing there would be an advertisement for bids in this week’s issue of the Enterprise for roofing city property.

Chad Mullins was on hand representing the Mike Keith Insurance Agency for the 2025 Property/Liability renewal. Council approved the renewal.

Kem Mellen, owner of the dog that died in the dog attack addressed the council about the dangerous dog ordinance.

ARPA funds was next on the agenda. Mayor Nelson stated the city has $77,670 left that have to be spent or returned. After some discussion it was decided to purchase a new batwing mower as the present model is old and in constant need of repair. It was decided to do some pay in advance on the new software for the city and Josh Cole needs to replace the sewer locator as the one he has no longer works. Council approved using the ARPA funds for these necessary items.
Council then moved to approve the Frey Municipal Software Contract.

Final item was the financials of the Lincoln Fly-in. It was pointed out the committee spent more than they took in and expenditures need to be watched closer next year.

Jack Lietzke asked if a donation could be made to the local fire department as they had two volunteers on stand-by all day as required by law. Phil Fisher made a motion to donate $100 and the motion was approved.

With no further business the meeting adjourned.