Council Refers Fence Problem To Public Works


Clinton City Council members gathered on October 15 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Council Persons present were Gene Henry, Roger House, Austin Jones, Gary Mount, Shelley Nelson, Greg Shannon and Stacia Wilson. Absent was Cameron Jackson. Others present included City Administrator Christy Maggi, City Clerk Wendee Seaton, City Attorney Doug Harris, Deputy Police Chief John Scott and Economic Development Director Mark Dawson.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance minutes from two previous meetings were approved. There was a personal appearance from Kathy Hetherington of 2015 Epicurean. She spoke about issues with a fence her neighbor is putting up that is impacting her view of traffic when pulling out. The issue was referred to Public Works.
Ordinances pertaining to fees and prohibited parking signage were approved. The Council then received committee reports including Public Works that said All-Pro Electrical has the low quote of $11,108 pertaining to Deer Creek ATS. The next report came from Public Safety where Council Person Jones made a motion to approve the purchase of three Durango vehicles for the price of $176,446.74 for the Police Department. The motion passed. Mayor Moberly told those assembled that she recently toured the Wastewater Plant and commented that “Jon Patricara is doing a great job.” Her Honor also met with Mark Gladfelter who she reported is, “Working hard to get community properties cleaned up.” City Administrator Maggi then reported that work is being done on the Stoneridge/Clean Water Grant Project. They are looking into other options. City Attorney Harris recommended that Stoneridge Subdivision form a public sewer district and stated, “It is the goal of the City to not incur any costs with this project.”
In unfinished business, the City adopted a resolution approving a Memorandum of Agreement among the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Missouri Historic Preservation Office, the Osage Nation and the City of Clinton regarding the transfer of Federal Fee-Title Land at Harry S. Truman Lake to the City of Clinton. Another agreement was approved between the City of Clinton and CJW Transportation Consultants, LLC for engineering services for the 2nd Street Sidewalk Extension Phase 1. The Council then approved an agreement between the City of Clinton and Austin Construction & Concrete, LLC for Construction of an ADA compliant concrete trail.
At 6:44 PM Council Person Henry made a motion to adjourn to closed session. Mayor Moberly declared the motion passed. With that, the regular meeting ended.