Former Ladycats Star McRoberts' Career Comes To End At UCM


When she started playing softball years ago, Aubrie McRoberts never knew the opportunities that the sport would hold for her.

A 2020 graduate of Warsaw High School and now a college graduate of the University of Central Missouri, McRoberts has excelled at every level.

In her early years, McRoberts played for the same reason that most little girls do; for fun and to be around friends throughout the summer. But her talent and knowledge of the game soon landed her on competitive teams where she enjoyed a hectic, but rewarding experience with the KC Peppers. With the Peppers, McRoberts traveled the country, competing in many of the top tournaments and against some of the best competition that the sport had to offer. With success at the highest level, McRoberts found herself with many options and a choice to make.

“The recruiting process was definitely a process as I wanted to make sure I knew wholeheartedly where I saw myself living for the next four years and ultimately pursuing a degree,” she said.

While she had multiple offers from a variety of schools at different levels of the NCAA, McRoberts eventually found her home at UCM.

“I chose the University of Central Missouri because it had both a D1 feel with facilities and they always take pride in athletics and the university as a whole," she explained. "Not only that, but with class sizes being smaller, I knew there was opportunity for more one-on-one attention learning in the classroom. I have also always loved the Mules and Jennie's culture at UCM.”

While a regular on the infield during her playing career in comp and high school, McRoberts was challenged at the college level to play a lot of outfield as well.

“When adjusting to new positions, my advice is to always go in with an open mind of being a utility, because when playing at a higher level, being on the field or court and playing that position to the best of your ability for your teammates beside you is what matters most.”

While going through the college life and atmosphere and maturing into an adult, McRoberts explained how there were many changes in the ages of 19-22 while attending college.

She also had to do her best to determine a major and a career that would be a good fit for her.

“These are the years that I made the decision of what career path I wanted to take as well as play the game I love and have worked for my whole life,” she said.

During her college days, McRoberts also focused on the new family of which she quickly became a part.

“Making friends came easy because I found out quickly that my teammates were my sisters," she commented. "Even after graduating, I am still best friends with some of them. I was also fortunate to find good friends in some of my undergrad classes, through working long hours on team projects and studying for tests together.”

With college life, also brings the stress of homework, especially being a student-athlete and being on the road many nights. McRoberts expressed the importance of maintaining balance and to not let fear and stress overtake your mind.

“Time management is key," she said emphatically. "When balancing classes, social life, and sports/extracurriculars, it can be very easy to put things off. You have to make a to-do list and prioritize what needs to be done before hanging out with friends.”

In her final year as a Jen, she mentioned feeling all of the emotions of "the “lasts".

“It was surreal knowing it was my last year stepping foot on the softball field, my last year living in the same place as many of my college friends, living a college life, and that I needed to find a job soon,” she said.

Although confusing thoughts crossed her mind, McRoberts made sure to stay positive and live in the moment.

“I just reminded myself that I could never get those last moments back and to soak it all in, which is exactly what we seniors did,” she exclaimed!

McRoberts graduated from UCM in the Winter of 2023, but finished her last year on the softball field in the Spring of 2024. She plans to continue her education at UCM by pursuing a MBA. She will also be taking summer classes and will work at the Missouri State Fair as a marketing intern.

Most recently, however, McRoberts' plans took another turn when she became engaged to her high school sweetheart, Matt Luebbert, another Warsaw grad.

“Overall, I have been soaking in time with my fiance and family," she said. "I am also finding new hobbies I like, such as golf and jet skiing on the lake with some of my college friends!”

McRoberts has a bright future and big plans in store for the next chapter of life.

“I am most looking forward to marrying my fiance, who is my best friend," she concluded. "I also look forward to making new connections in my professional career along with finishing grad school. Lastly, I look forward to spending more quality time with my family and playing with my little nephew.”

Her book has been quite the fairytale thus far. We can only hope that her next chapters are equally as exciting.