Fristoe News


Summer is here for the Fristoe area. Some days highs have been 96 degrees and that is hot for this time of year. The first day of summer was this past week on June 20. However people are harvesting summer produce from gardens abundance! Now we need moisture in a big way! I can say the oldest granddaughter, Laney Arnett has a wonderful job for this time of year. She is head lifeguard at the Warsaw swimming pool. I am sure she enjoys that!

Prayer requests this week: Mary Scarbrough, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Adam Smith, Kathy First, Gladys Harris and Carolee Apperson.

Happy Birthday to Delores Prater this week, also Terri Clark and baby Troy McGuire.

Bringing word that Antwiler Park Board will be holding their annual Pie Auction at the Fristoe Community Building on Saturday, July 20. The pie auction is the main source of resources for the upkeep of the community building. As usual, Fristoe resident and auctioneer Phillip Yoder will be handling the selling of the pies, along with auctioneer he works with, Rusty Johnson.

To people who haven't realized yet that the large buildings on Highway C going west out of Fristoe are the home of lots and lots of chickens that do what they are supposed to do, which is lay eggs . . . many hundreds of eggs are produced each day at this "chicken farm". Fristoe has something going for it.

The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church invites everyone who does not have a home church to come and visit the Lighthouse and see what you think.
Sunday morning: Sunday School, 10:00 AM, Special and congregational singing, 11:00 AM and then bringing of the word and worship! Music was lead today by Elizabeth Dobee Wolf, specials by Claude and Lighthouse Singers, Ken, DoBee with Brenda accompanied. Br. Smith brought his message from Genesis chapter 18 beginning with verse 20. Pastor Smith asked the question, are we a nation any different that the people were at Sodom and Gomorrah. We need to all ask ourselves this question.

Thought for the week: Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, Matt 12:34. Know Your words are windows to your heart!

We hope everyone reading the Fristoe News has a week full of love, laughter and all safety!