Fristoe News


The weather this past week was a reflection of summer with upper 80's. The land is really getting dry. The Fristoe area needs some moisture in a great way!

Just a couple weeks ago, one of the Warsaw students favorite teacher from some years ago passed away. Carolynn Fisher was really liked and appreciated by many. Then another teacher passed away last week, Mrs Elmore. Frances Elmore taught Kindergarten at Warsaw South Elementary for many years and students as well as parents enjoyed Mrs. Elmore.

Prayers for this week are for Bud Hatch, Kathy First, Lewis Retherford, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough.

Happy Birthday shoutout to Ronnie Jackman as he celebrates his birthday on October 24. Happy Birthday also to Kevin Bumstead as he celebrates on October 23.

ATTENTION: The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church is holding REVIVAL services this week beginning on Wednesday night, October 16, at 7:00 PM with Bro. J. D. Richardson. Services will be held each night; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, beginning at 7:00 PM and Gospel singing Saturday night at 7:00 PM.

Notice: The Bethel Campground Church is holding a fundraiser for the repair of the church roof on October 26, beginning at 11:00 AM at the Edwards Community Building on Highway 7. A chili/ham and beans dinner, auction of pies and assorted other articles and a raffle are planned. This is being put forth by the Bethel Campground Cemetery Board.

Now also on October 26, at 5:00 PM, the Antwiler Park Board is holding a Fish Fry in appreciation to the Fristoe Community in the Fristoe Community Building.

The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church finished the Unit I study on their adult Sunday School that covered Moses and his leading the Israel Nation from Egypt and going into the promised land. The next unit will be the study of several Bible women. Claude, Delores and Ken did a great job on the special "If I Go or If I Stay". Br. Smith's message was from Acts chapter 4.

Thought for the week: Wisdom has two parts: Knowing a lot, and knowing when to not to share it.

Hope everyone has a great week!