Windsor Senior Center Receives Donation From Equity Bank


Equity Bank, 504 W. Benton St., Windsor, donated $5,000 to the Windsor Senior Center to be used for Home Delivered Meals (HDM) in Windsor. On Tuesday, November 19, Hanna Goosen, Bank Manager, and Madison Brown, Customer Service Manager, presented a check for the Windsor Senior Center to Carla Campbell, Coordinator of the Windsor Senior Center.
Hanna Goosen said that the Windsor Equity Bank’s donation is intended to fund reinvestment in the community, and the bank’s donation for the Senior Center’s Home Delivered Meal program will help provide nutritious meals for 12 to 20 seniors in Windsor homebound because of illness or mobility issues. The HDM meals are delivered on a regular basis directly to the individuals’ homes by volunteers or Senior Center volunteers. Volunteers from Equity Bank also participate by helping Windsor Senior Center projects, including delivering some of the Home Delivered Meals in Windsor.