5th Saturday Men's Breakfast To Feature Disney


A big shout out to all the men and boys of our area, our next 5th Saturday Men’s Breakfast is coming up on July 29th and YOU are invited. We’ll meet at 7:am at Dietz Buffet here in Clinton and Mr. Walt Disney will be our guest speaker. Mr. Disney is a former US Navy SEAL, his specialty was medicine, and he was trained as a sniper. Mr Disney also did a tour as an instructor at basic(BUD/S) and advanced SEAL schools.
After separating from the Navy Mr. Disney enrolled in the masters of science in marriage and family therapy program at Friends University Lenexa campus and is in private practice at Disney Family Therapy LLC in Kansas City Missouri. His military background has made him very accessible to veterans, first responders and their families. He has worked with over 500 veterans and first responders. Focusing on post traumatic stress disorder and trauma recovery. Come men, and bring the young boys. We’ll enjoy a delicious buffet breakfast, we’ll pray and sing and be encouraged and better equipped to be the men God has called us to be.