Chapter EN, P.E.O. Holds Christmas Luncheon


Chapter EN, P.E.O., held its Christmas luncheon at the Clinton County Club on Dec. 14. Shirley Turner and Adele Bernard served as hostesses for the luncheon, which was attended by 24 members and two guests.
Clinton Country Club served a lunch of potato soup, ham and cheese sliders, cranberry-fruit salad and an iced pumpkin cupcake for dessert, garnished with cranberries or miniature gingerbread men cookies.
Each member brought a recipe for a favorite Christmas cookie or candy with samples attached. They chose one of the packaged treats, then played Santa’s Dice Game, rolling the dice to see if they had to keep, swap or pass the treat to the person on their left or right.
Chapter EN is Clinton’s daytime chapter of the P.E.O. International Sisterhood, a woman’s organization that supports higher education opportunities for women. Projects include the Educational Loan Fund, Star Scholarships for graduating high-school seniors, the Program for Continuing Education, which awards grants for women returning to college, and Scholar Awards for women pursuing doctorate degrees.
Chapter IU is the evening chapter of P.E.O. in Clinton. One of the oldest women’s organizations in North America, P.E.O. was founded in 1869 by seven female students at Iowa Wesleyan College, and has grown to nearly 6,000 chapters with 230,000 members in the United States and Canada. In Missouri, there are more than 300 chapters, with more than 12,000 members.
P.E.O. also owns and supports Cottey College, a four-year college for women in Nevada, Mo. Chapter EN meets at First Presbyterian Church. For more information, call Nancy Gillard at the church, 660-885-5181 or go to