Church News


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun United Methodist. We are pleased to gather in fellowship and love, to praise the Lord with church family and guests. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to call the
“flock” to 10:00 Worship. Our service is live-streamed for face book.
We extend our Sympathy and Christian love to the family and friends Linda Bailey and J.D. Ridgeway who passed into the arms of Jesus this week. Others on the prayer list are Brenda Hunter, Macayla Lowe, Jaden & baby, Sharon Miller, and the Burson family. We are asking for prayers for our church and congregation as we take a hard look at what God has in mind for us next.
Joys to celebrate: Spring can be seen all around us and we are ready to plant and harvest and as usual we are much too impatient. Nature and God are still in control. We celebrate Sara Veatch as she was received into the flock today. We extend a special welcome to her. Special music ‘’The Lilly of the Valley” by Ms. Verna, was enjoyed by all. Marie Miller was pleased with the gathering of her family Saturday for the Celebration of life for her son Cliff. Happy 26th Birthday to Kyle Houts, Aunt Linda is very proud of you. Adair Village is again open after a Covid shut down. Our Ms. Iris is pleased for that. Carolina Lane is recovering nicely from recent surgery. The writer enjoyed the Windsor UMC Bell Choir at Leesville Baptist Church Sunday evening.
We welcome visitors any Sunday morning for worship, come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We will be blessed by your presents.

Clinton Church of the Nazarene
Steve Page led the serving. Pastor has been on vacation. Anneita Johnson led the singing.
We had a lovely service. We come to this sanctuary to celebrate Christs love for us. Come join us. All are welcome.
The message this morning was titled ‘Nails’. Verses from Matthew 27 were used to further illustrate the message of Christs love for us.
When you think about it, Isn’t it amazing what Jesus was willing to do for us. Nailed to the cross, breathing last breaths in agony. We must rejoice that Jesus willingly died so that we might live.
Come and worship with us in spirit and truth. We thank each person who came to worship here. We pray that you received a rich blessing by being here in the house of the Lord. Won’t you come again?

First Baptist
The flowers on the altar last Sunday were given by the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Stan and Jeri Steffens for the glory of God and in honor of their 72nd wedding anniversary. What a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations!
Don’t forget: Zoe’s Home will have its Spring Crappie tournament fundraiser on Saturday, May 20th. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Not so long ago, a question frequently posed by Christians to other believers was, “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
This question came to mind recently while listening to a sermon in which a minister told a story about a Christian man who worked alongside another man with whom he maintained a friendly relationship for many years. When the older man died suddenly, the younger man attended his friend’s funeral, and was surprised to discover that his co-worker also had been a faithful believer in Jesus Christ and had been active in his church throughout his life.
Do your coworkers, friends, and even family members know you are a Christian? Can they tell by how you live your life and conduct yourself around them that you are a believer? Is there enough evidence to convict you?
If you think the answer might be “no,” don’t be discouraged. In today’s world, many believers in Jesus Christ find it difficult to speak freely about their faith and live openly Christian lives. There is great pressure to conform to modern mores and abandon…or at least keep quiet about… one’s religious beliefs and convictions. Witnessing about one’s faith in Jesus Christ is often considered to be impolite, hateful, bigoted, illegal, or just plain stupid. After all, all religions lead to the same god, don’t they? (Actually…no… they don’t).
Those who live in darkness detest those who walk in the light. But, we should not give in or just go along to get along. Our Savior has called us into His “marvelous light” for a purpose, to let it shine among others. As Jesus said:
“Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you, and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven...You are the light of the world...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:11;16).
Divine Service 1 pm; Sunday School Noon; Ch. ph. 660-885-4728.

First Presbyterian
As the family of God, we should study our Bibles to learn and understand what God wants to reveal to us. He will open our minds and hearts if we truly seek Him. We are blessed to be his witnesses and to proclaim his love to all. Take the time to pause, reflect and think on what is revealed to you, then share the message with others. Linda Wilson blessed us on the piano with the Gaither song “Because He Lives”. Asking for Directions: Prayer was the title of Rev. Nancy’s message from Matthew 6: 9 – 13 and Luke 11: 1 – 4.
Friday, May 5 is the date the Presbyterian Women meet in the church fellowship hall. The ladies are studying the book titled “Celebrating Sabbath, Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight”. The lesson title for this month is “Sabbath and Community”. The ladies meet on the first Friday of each month. You are invited to attend.
Sunday, April 30 was the last day to bring donations of deodorant for the Samaritan Center. Several dozen were donated to the cause. These were delivered to the Center. Thank you to all for the generosity.
The “Children in Africa” project is up and running. Talented sewers fashion adorable dresses and shorts for the children. We are blessed that so many use their skills for this worthwhile project. Fabric, elastic, trims, bias tape, and patterns are available in the foyer. Examples of dresses and shorts are on display. If you have questions about this project ask a Naomi Ruth Circle lady.
You will want to drive by and check out the new church sign. It makes a most impressive sight in the daytime and will soon be lighted for the night.
Tai Chi classes continue here each Monday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and Wednesday at 10:00 am in our fellowship hall. Tai Chi helps strengthen your core and improve balance. Feel welcome to be a part of this group.
Come worship with us. You will find a friendly group of people greeting you. If in person worship is not an option watch the broadcasts available online at our website: or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Stay updated on the happenings at First Presbyterian by visiting our website.

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“If You Look Beyond Your Situation, You will see God”
1Sa 17:23-24, 26. (KJV)
When people experience a situation, they can’t see past it. If you look beyond your current circumstance you will see God, if you have faith in God.
2Ki 6:8 Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp.
2 Ki 6:9.
Syria tried to make war with Israel, but every time, the man of God warned them.
2 Ki 6:15.
The servant could not see beyond the current situation. People do that in our present day.
2 Ki 6:16.
The man of God knew that God was present beyond what the servant could see. When the Lord opened the eyes of the servant, he saw a different view than at first glance. He saw chariots of fire.
2 Ki 6:17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha
2 Ki 6:18 And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha (KJV)
2 Ki 6:19.
If you can see beyond your circumstances, you can lead the devil. You will be in control of the enemy instead of him being in control of you.
When King Saul told David, Goliath was trained from his youth. David recounted how he slay both a bear and a lion. David wasn’t afraid of the giant, Goliath because he saw past the current situation.
David called upon the name of his Lord and went forward. When we call upon the name of Jesus, he will fight our battles for us. (1 Samuel 17:23-51)
When the people rebelled against Moses and wanted to return to Egypt, if they had looked beyond the current situation, they would have seen that God was with them the whole time.
(Numbers 1:1-14)
We will know that God is with us and will take care of us if we take our eyes off of our troubles, trust God and look to him.
God Bless.

Trinity Lutheran
The flowers on the altar last Sunday were given by the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Stan and Jeri Steffens for the glory of God and in honor of their 72nd wedding anniversary. What a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations!
Don’t forget: Zoe’s Home will have its Spring Crappie tournament fundraiser on Saturday, May 20th. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Not so long ago, a question frequently posed by Christians to other believers was, “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
This question came to mind recently while listening to a sermon in which a minister told a story about a Christian man who worked alongside another man with whom he maintained a friendly relationship for many years. When the older man died suddenly, the younger man attended his friend’s funeral, and was surprised to discover that his co-worker also had been a faithful believer in Jesus Christ and had been active in his church throughout his life.
Do your coworkers, friends, and even family members know you are a Christian? Can they tell by how you live your life and conduct yourself around them that you are a believer? Is there enough evidence to convict you?
If you think the answer might be “no,” don’t be discouraged. In today’s world, many believers in Jesus Christ find it difficult to speak freely about their faith and live openly Christian lives. There is great pressure to conform to modern mores and abandon…or at least keep quiet about… one’s religious beliefs and convictions. Witnessing about one’s faith in Jesus Christ is often considered to be impolite, hateful, bigoted, illegal, or just plain stupid. After all, all religions lead to the same god, don’t they? (Actually…no… they don’t).
Those who live in darkness detest those who walk in the light. But, we should not give in or just go along to get along. Our Savior has called us into His “marvelous light” for a purpose, to let it shine among others. As Jesus said:
“Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you, and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven...You are the light of the world...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:11;16).
Divine Service 1 pm; Sunday School Noon; Ch. ph. 660-885-4728.

Urich Baptist
The faithful gathered on this windy Sunday at 10:30 A.M. to worship the Lord.
Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. Randy Vogt and Charles Forbes collected the offering.
The scripture passage from Pastor Chad Pollett’s sermon was from John 8: 21-30. In this passage Jesus was still speaking to the crowd about who he was. Even after the miracles and everything he did, many still didn’t understand or believe he was the Messiah. Many did believe. He told them if they didn’t believe who he was on earth, then they would not be with him and his Father in heaven. We pray you know the Lord personally.
Have a blessed week.

Valley Center United
Today was beautiful with the wind blowing across the surrounding prairie, birds singing and the sun shining brightly! It was a blessing to come and worship together on this Good Shepherd Sunday!
We send much love and prayers to our friends who are healing from recent surgeries. We continue our prayers for the people of the Ukraine as they face unimaginable atrocities. We wish Karen Switzer a very happy birthday! We thank John, Emily and Isaac for cooking the brats and the other many hands that helped with preparing our food today at church!
It was an exciting day as we welcomed the Reverend Mary Nelson, who is our conference minister, to help celebrate the 35th anniversary of Reverend Dane Sommer’s ministry here at Valley Center United Church of Christ. What a day of joy and praise! After worship services, we enjoyed a meal of several delicious and original German dishes.
Our message this morning was from the book of Acts. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other disciples following the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. It was a time of fellowship, communion and prayer. It was about choices and accountability. The Apostles traveled many places to spread the story of Jesus. It is the story of forming the church’s identity.
Just as in the disciple’s time, our purpose and accountability is important. Our mission statement is formed by our own values and actions. We cannot be the church if we mislead or lie for gain or profit. Our job is to be a faithful people and God’s servants. It should be our life’s mission to help each other and put others’ needs ahead of purpose.
We give thanks for the opportunity to proclaim a bold and confident faith. Send your Holy Spirit to us that we might remove all doubt of thought and hesitation of act as we serve all who are in need and proclaim the good gospel to the world. Amen