Church News


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun United Methodist. We are a diverse group of folk pleased to gather in fellowship and love, to praise the Lord with church family and guests. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to call the “flock” to 10:00 Worship. Our service is live-streamed for face book.
We extend our Sympathy and Christian love to the family and friends of Rev. Wanda Antwiler, Jane
Adkins, and Mark Cloud who passed into the arms of Jesus this week. Others on the prayer list are
Macayla and Jaden Hawkins and baby Kehlani, John and Marty Lloyd, Sharon Miller, Audrey’s daughter Lisa, and the Burson family. We are asking for prayers for our church and congregation as we take a hard look at what God has in mind for us next. Just a reminder Lord, the wind continues to blow and we could use a nice gentle soaking rain.
Joys to celebrate: We were blessed with a good crowd for church this morning. We were pleased to
Celebrate Mother’s Day with the ladies of the church and remember special ladies in our lives. Special music was “Mama’s Roses” by Ms. Verna. One of those special ladies is Lou Young, who celebrated her 89th birthday last week; we wish you Happy Birthday and many more. Shelby Bicknell announced the
graduation of his nephew Clark G. Bicknell from Leeton High School. Clark is also the grandson of Carol Lane and has been a visitor here a number of times. We are so proud of the young man you have
become, and the accomplishments you have already achieved. He has already completed his first year of collage on line. Clark will be attending the Universality of Missouri, Rolla, earning an Engineering Degree. We wish you only the best for the future. Guests today were Jerene Harrelson and Gloria Adkison.
We welcome visitors any Sunday morning for worship, come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We are a Concerned and Praying
church if you find yourself in need of prayer we encourage you to join us any Sunday morning. we will be blessed by your presents.

Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
297 NW 40th Rd. Clinton Mo. 64735
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints invites you to worship with us each Sunday from 9:00 to 11:00 am.
Sunday school is held from 10:00 t0 11:00 am the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
The Priesthood and Relief Society is held from 10:00 to 11:00 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
A new member to the Clinton Ward will be baptised May 6, Saturday at 11:00 with Confirmation Sunday May 7.
The Clinton Ward will host The American Red Cross for a blood drive August 17, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm.
We welcome two young Missionaries into the Clinton area, from other States.
Three local Elders from the Clinton Ward are serving as Missionaries in South America, Utah and Arizona.
The Family Center is open to Church Members and the public after Church at 11:00 am and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8;00PM.
The Primary Class for 4years through 11 years, meets each Sunday.
The Nursery for 1 year through 3 years is open each Sunday.
Clinton Ward Elders Quorum President Brother Jerry Anspaugh is always available for information about Church activities. 660-351-3393.

Clinton Church of the Nazarene
“God Cannot Lie’ was the title of the message this morning, using scripture from both old and new testaments, pastor gave us new insights into the meaning and hope the Bible brings to us. Both the books of Hebrews and John, we gain a new perspective of life in Bible times and the experiences people lived through. We are called to witness to the community and the world around us. We must be willing to be used by Jesus. He will never guide you wrong or leave you forsaken. God loves you unconditionally. God will never turn His back on you.
We thank each person for coming to worship here today. We pray that you received a rich blessing by being here and will come again. See you in church?

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered his 12th message to conclude the Experiencing God series titled “Ending the Excuses”. Pastor Pat used Exodus 4 to describe the excuses given to God when Moses asked Him to send someone else. When we make excuses, it tells us more about ourselves than the Lord. God assures us He’ll give us what we need if we trust in Him. God cares more about our availability than our ability, and He always provides where He guides. The only question is: How will we walk it out? We should remember that God has us right where He wants us to be, and all we need to do is surrender to Him. What is your next step for experiencing God?
The Red Cross Blood Drive will be on May 18th & 19th. Vacation Bible School will be held July 16th-21st. Children’s and youth camps are also approaching, and more information can be found at Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at FBC Vansant, for anyone with hurts, habits and hangups. Worship services are held at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. For more information, please contact the church office at 660-885-2211.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
Our mothers make or have made sacrifices for us on a daily basis and too often we take them for granted. On Sunday, we celebrated them with flowers hoping to make each one feel as special as they are. A mothers love is unconditional. So is the love of our heavenly father. Through Him we can know love, live eternally and receive forgiveness. Helping to make the morning worship extra special our hand chimes choir played ”O Love that Will Not Let Go” and our choir sang “Sing Joy! Make a Beautiful Noise! Rev. Gillard brought the message Asking for Directions: The Great Commission. Her text was Matthew 28: 16 - 20
Next Sunday we will have a guest speaker from the Pediatric Place. In 2023 a new autism center will be opened here in Clinton to provide physical, occupational and speech therapy. Mark your calendar so you will be here to learn about this new center that will provide much needed assistance to many.
The Naomi Ruth Circle ladies of the Presbyterian Women are at it again. This time they are asking us to donate toothbrushes for the Samaritan Center. It is surprising the quantity requested and distributed to those in need on a regular basis. Toothbrushes are an essential part of our daily health routine. Your help is appreciated for this mission project. Donations may be placed on the shelves in the foyer.
The “Children in Africa” project continues with several more dresses added to those already hanging in the foyer. Our talented sewers use their skills to create dresses and shorts for the children. Everything you need to sew these clothing articles is available in the foyer. Ask a Naomi Ruth Circle lady for answers to any questions.
Tai Chi classes continue here each Monday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and Wednesday at 10:00 am in our fellowship hall. Tai Chi helps strengthen your core and improve balance. Feel welcome to be a part of this group.
Come worship with us. You will find a friendly group of people greeting you. If in person worship is not an option watch the broadcasts available online at our website: or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Stay updated on the happenings at First Presbyterian by visiting our website. There you will find our monthly newsletter, pictures and other interesting items about the church.

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“We Need Courage While Serving the Lord”.
Courage is the mental, or moral strength to withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
The devil is sneaky and likes to work on the mind. We need to encourage each other in serving the Lord. The end times are coming and God tells us in his word what he will not put up with. People are doing these things and we witness it daily.
1Samuel 23:1-5
The Lord told David what to do but his men showed fear in verse three, thereby discouraging him.
Fear will cause you to disobey God, and lose your blessing. God told David the same when David inquired a second time.
When we trust God and remain faithful, it strengthens us in God.
God told Saul to destroy Amalek and everything in it, including the king. Saul was disobedient because he listened to his friends and kept back the best of the animals instead of killing them. He also spared the King.
1Sa 15:9
When Samuel questioned Saul’s motives, he explained that he did obey, he was going to sacrifice the animals to God.
1Sa 15:22
If we aren’t careful, we will be disobedient to God when we think we are doing something good. However, when God gives a directive, we need to follow it.
(1Samuel 15:3-33)
In 1Kings Ahab was ready to give all that the king of Syria demanded. Then he consulted with the elders, who told him not to consent to anything that the king demanded. Ahab sent word that he would not consent after all.
If it wasn’t for the elders, Ahab would have given in out of fear. We have to be careful that we do not give in to the enemy. (1Kings 20:1-30)
When you win against the enemy, know that he will come back.
Mat 12:43-45. (KJV)
When you accept the Lord into your life, you will want to keep yourself strengthened in the Lord and have Holy Spirit dwelling in you.
Being a leper, Naaman expected Elisha to come out of his house, stand before him and call on God to heal him. Instead, Elisha told him to go wash in the Jordan seven times, and he would be healed.
Naaman didn’t want to do it, but his servants encouraged him, and he went to the Jordan. He was healed.
(2Kings 5:9-14)
Some discourage and some encourage. Learn to listen to what God places on your heart. Encourage yourself and be obedient. God Bless.

Mt. Zion UMC
Pastor David’s Mother’s Day message. “Never Alone”, was prefaced with a New Testament reading from 1 Peter 3:13-22, and a Gospel reading from John 14:15-21. The love of a mother is an “Agape”—unconditional—love. Agape is also the word used to describe God’s unconditional love for us.
God’s love, and the love of a mother, are powerful and incredible—willing to sacrifice whatever is needed for the benefit of our children. God loves us with that warmth of the first embrace of a mother—the pride of a father—and the fulness of an entire family, filled with admiration, hope, and guidance.
In our maturity some of our mothers have gone on to Glory, but Jesus teaches us that we are never alone. God—who loves us so much more than our mothers ever could—sent the Holy Spirit of Truth to be with us. It is through the Holy Spirit of Truth that we are able to know whether we are keeping the Commandments, and we come to return the love God has given us, and that our mothers taught us, to give back to God by loving God and our neighbor as ourselves.
So, remember, God loves you with a love that is far greater than a mother’s love. You are never alone! Amen!

Urich Baptist
It was a beautiful Mother’s Day as we gathered for worship service.
Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter and Mrs. Cinasee Pollet led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Gail Perrymann playing piano. Kevin Richeson and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
Scripture was read from Revelation 5: 11-14. The title of Pastor Chad Pollett’s sermon was “Life Sermon of a Godly Mother.” The scripture passage was from 1Corinthians12: 12-20. In this passage we are reminded that ‘Many hands make light work.’ As caring Christian people we must be willing to step up and help with work. As our body has many parts, our church(a group of believers) must come together for strength, help, and for whatever is needed and necessary.
Working together is necessary for all aspects of the church ministry and in sharing the Gospel. We all are blessed with many opportunities to share God’s gifts anyway we can. Have a blessed week and share some blessings.

Valley Center United
Strengthen our commitments that all our days might be filled with faith and service.
What a beautiful day to come worship here at Valley Center! We received the much needed rain this past week and the birds were happily singing and the prairie flowers around the church are in full bloom!
Congratulations to John Neuenschwander who is graduating from Lakeland High school! We are so proud of him and all of his accomplishments over the years. And we appreciate him here in our church as well, he is always there to help and do what needs to be done. We wish him the best as he begins the next part of his life.
As humans we protect ourselves, we are often on guard. We develop a “fight, flee or freeze” mode. It is understandable to want to protect ourselves, but instead of these reactions, many people show empathy and they lend care to those in need and have a loving affirmation toward others.
Jesus used this loving and affirming mode as he traveled. His “All about love” showed his followers that they were clearly in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Today, we have the same opportunities as in Jesus’ day. We can be on guard and make quick assumptions of who people are or we can let go and be more open and affirming.
This empathetic attitude is something to be nurtured. To be curious, rather than judgemental and to be able to let go and reach out to others and see their value, is following Jesus.
God has anointed us to bring good tidings to the afflicted. Jesus reveals his love to us, which renews and sustains us. He sees our value and affirms his love for us.