Transfer Station Free, for Selected Items, for City Residents
The 2024 City Wide Clean Up Week will be April 15 -April 20. During City Wide Clean Up, the City of Clinton will offer expanded hours and services to encourage residents within the city
limits of Clinton to clean-up their properties.
To receive free disposal service at the Transfer Station, for selected items, proof of City
residency will be required. Proof of residency can be established by showing a driver’s license, utility bill or property tax receipt. The City reserves the right to limit the amount of items for
free disposal from a single source. All regular fees will apply if proof of City residency is not
Transfer Station
The Transfer Station, located at 1305 N. Washington, will be open Monday, April 15 - Friday April 19, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday, April 20, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM.
(During City Wide Clean Up Week the Transfer Station will remain open from 12:00- 1:00)
Disposal of the following items is free of charge, to City residents, all six (6) days: boards,
appliances, furniture, bulk items, refrigerators (compressors MUST be removed), and air
conditioners (MUST have certification that Freon has been removed).
Regular fees apply to domestic/household trash and carpet.
The following items will NOT be accepted: tires, batteries, commercial waste, shingles, liquids, chemicals, hazard materials, concrete, rock, soil, and waste materials from demolition projects.
Compost Site -
Extended Hours
The compost and brush site, located at the Wastewater Treatment Plant on S. Vansant, will be open Monday, April 15 - Friday April 19, 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday, April 20, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM. All regular Compost Site rules will apply. No charge for residential lawn waste,
leaves, brush (not over 3” in diameter), and lawn clippings. All plastic bags must be removed.