Get To Know Clinton, MO - Businesses!


Company Name: Ben Franklin Bistro

Owner/Manager Name: Nikita & Charlie Branscombe.

Time in business? Worked at Ben Franklin for 13 years Started ownership May 2023.

What made you become a business owner? It was out of my comfort zone, but I love a good adventure.

What was your mission at the start of your company? I did not start the company but after working there and enjoying it I wanted to create a great atmosphere.

What services or products do you offer? We are a restaurant; we serve unique food and wonderful desserts.

How many employees do you have? Seven.

What qualities do you look for in new employees? Vibrant personality, great work ethic, goals, aspirations.

What made you start a company in this industry? I was already involved in the business as an employee before buying restaurant.

Does your company give back to the community? (Example youth sports, donations, volunteers, clubs): We do donations as we can to help different organizations.

What is unique about your company? Our unique sandwiches and that it use to be an old Ben Franklin 5 and Dime.

What are your company’s goals for the next year? Continue to grow our team and business.

Favorite customer experience? We love all our customers! They are much like family!