Have I Got A Line For You!


One of the State Fair staffers stopped in the office yesterday. The Fair opens in August and runs from the 10th to the 20th. Many of us have memories about trips there in years past. Some of us back to the time when the Midway was the main attraction. The Octopus was a favorite, but the whole place was exciting and fun. A bit further in life, some of the exhibits and the beer garden became more interesting than the carnival rides. I especially enjoy watching the bakers and artists compete for a blue ribbon. Older people (when I was young) used to tell me how their family would go to the Fair and stay for a number of days. They took along home canned goods and other food and ate where they camped in the big field at the Fairgrounds. And they had a fine time. A trip to Sedalia long ago from southern Benton County was nothing to be taken lightly.
Let’s jump to something else. A great many people are upset with a new rule that penalizes folks with good credit on a mortgage to help those with bad credit. Welcome to new Socialism! The government forcing us to buy expensive electric vehicles, outlawing gas appliances, inflation, high taxes and taking from one group to give to another. Won’t be long until we can only purchase the amount of food allotted, same with gasoline until it’s phased out. Not to worry though, Chairman Biden will make sure we’re all paid the same wage at our government controlled job. You betcha!
The murder of five people down in Texas by their neighbor was a terrible thing to happen. Francisco Oropeza was in the country illegally after being deported four times. UNBELIEVABLE! The border is open so he can come and go as he pleases. He can vote in America too. Is it legal? No, but neither is murdering a family. When you encourage law breaking, you’re bound to get more law breaking.
The month of May has opened its door. Greet it with open arms and make the best of it. Might as well, for I have a disturbing feeling that what’s coming around the bend is ugly. Ah well, take good care of yourself old buddy.
Til Next Week: