Have I Got A Line For You!


What shall I expound on today? Well, there’s been a real nip in the morning air and after all the hot days, it’s sort of a surprise. A surprise until I remembered that October just opened its door. A month that’s fickle when it comes to daily temperatures. Time marches on and it won’t be long until notices report, “Only 14 shopping days until Christmas.” But hey, we have to have Halloween first and Thanksgiving and green bean casserole. I’ve never tried green bean casserole. Might give it a go this year. Some dishes that seemed awful twenty years ago are pretty good now. Do you suppose this comes with age?
Hurricane Helene left a big path of damage in Florida and many residents had to be rescued. Speaking of hurricanes, it’s hard to believe that Katrina swept into New Orleans 19 years ago. Some parts of that city are still full of sink holes. The good news for New Orleans is that it’s been a slower year for hurricanes. Of course that’s bad news for the climate change crowd. Many still blame President Bush for Katrina. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the power he had to create a hurricane of that magnitude? If you ask me, most of the blame should be directed at the state and local governments down there. Being surprised by a disaster like this, when you live below sea level on the Gulf of Mexico, does make one wonder. Because they’ve happened before and they’ll most likely happen again.
New York’s Mayor is in hot water after being charged with accepting bribes. His Honor says the charges are political and he won’t step down. What a coincidence this all started after Mayor Adams threw President Biden and Vice-President Harris under the bus over immigration. The Justice Department can re-use all the law fare sound bytes from The Donald’s investigation. “No Adams wasn’t targeted! How dare you infringe our integrity! Our agents are professionals above partisanship!” Sounds like something Putin would say. Coincidence indeed! Perhaps the Mayor is guilty of accepting travel upgrades from the Turkish government. Who knows? But I do know this. It must be a tough job being a politician and following the rules they expect the rest of us to follow.
The first weekend of October is upon us. Live it up Old Buddy, even if it’s just getting together with a couple of friends. And stay safe. That’s harder and harder to do these days.
Til Next Week: