City Council Opens Up Towing To Bids


Clinton City Council Members gathered on September 17 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Present were Council Persons Gene Henry, Roger House, Cameron Jackson, Austin Jones, Gary Mount and Stacia Wilson. Not present were Council Persons Shelley Nelson and Greg Shannon. Others present included City Administrator Christi Maggi, City Clerk Wendee Seaton, City Attorney Doug Harris, Fire Chief Mark Manuel, Deputy Fire Chief Matt Willings and Deputy Police Chief Paul Abbott.
With Mayor Carla Moberly presiding, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and following this time honored tradition, The Council approved minutes from the September 3 meeting.
Economic Development Director Mark Dawson gave an update on current active projects and several that were unable to find space available in Clinton. Following Dawson’s report The Council passed ordinances approving pay plans, city fees and a budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Council Person Jackson gave a Public Works Committee Report. Jackson made a motion to approve a resolution between The City and Alliance Water Resources which passed unanimously. A quote of $5,501.77 to AA Mechanical was approved for water pump #3.
Discussion ensued regarding cleanup of the Benson Center following a horse shoe tournament and The City’s rental policy. Cost for the cleanup was $3,000 and the renter said they will pay an additional $500 on top of their $250 deposit. A motion was made and passed for City Staff to review and update the rental policy. A request for Kids At Play signs on Craig Street between Franklin and Highland drive was also approved.
In other business the Police Department made a request that towing becomes an annual bid process. A motion was made and passed to approve the request. A request was made and passed by Parks Cabinet to modify the exterior of their building at 1748 Gerhart Drive.
As the meeting drew to a close Mayor Moberly complimented the Downtown Square following its resurfacing and striping, however, she did note there was a complaint about lack of notice. Mayor Moberly also thanks the EMT’S who were on the scene with her brother.
Council Person Jackson made a motion to enter closed session and it was approved. Regular session thus ended at 6:52 PM.