Have I Got A Line For You!


I’d forgotten Monday was Columbus Day until I flipped on the TV and there were some college students demonstrating against old Chris Columbus. Remember when the City Council in Washington D.C. passed an emergency resolution to rename Columbus Day Indigenous People’s Day? EMERGENCY! I thought D.C.’s high crime rate and lack of shelter for the homeless would be an emergency. Maybe the City Council should rename it the District of Communism. While they’re at it, go ahead and rename the 4th of July “People’s Liberation Day” like other communist countries. All of these college kids should have to attend a class on American history because they know so very little about it. To them, our entire past is a negative experience. However, it’s a nice fall morning and I remember visiting the Cathedral in Seville. It contains a magnificent monument housing the remains of Columbus. The coffin is carried by 4 soldiers, one on each corner. Impressive and I was in awe of it.
The Donald is picking up steam in swing-state polling which caused the Harris campaign to issue a statement saying, “Kamala is very popular in these states.” With who? People that want the thrill of overpaying at the pump and the excitement of paying more at the grocery store? Each to his own though and we need more joy and giggles. Better stop before my pen pal is inspired to send another letter calling me, “A Maga Nut Follower.” I do enjoy the correspondence and will call your bluff. The NTEU did endorse Kamala. Lord knows why?
GALACTIC NEWS! A NASA filmmaker claims evidence of alien life could be proven within the next month. Is this another step towards the big reveal we’ve been groomed for over the past few years? I bet our universe is teeming with all kinds of life. Whether we’ll like it or not, who knows. Either way, it’s all fascinating.
I’ve been reading a biography of the Roosevelt Family. Teddy’s daughter Alice was an interesting character and she didn’t like Nellie Taft. At the end of her father’s Presidency she made a voodoo doll that resembled Nellie and buried it in the front lawn before the Taft Family moved in. Alice went on to marry Congressman Nicholas Longworth and according to the book it wasn’t a happy union. Perhaps Mrs. Taft discovered the doll and made one of Alice? Ach du lieber! Life is full of mystery.
I’m meandering all over the pasture. Thanks for bearing with me. I’ll take my leave for the day and see what the morning brings. Hang in there Old Buddy and keep in mind that before something great happens everything falls apart. Take care of yourself.
Til Next Week: