Holy Rosary Highlights For First Grade


First graders at Holy Rosary have just wrapped up their Flat Stanley project.
This is a project that requires the help of friends and family as they become the “hosts” for the students’ little “Flat Stanley” friend. The kids in the class absolutely loved getting mail from all over the world. The letters, pictures, brochures, emails, boxes of snacks and other treasures they received were very much appreciated.
Stanley definitely had some wild adventures while he was away! He was in several huge snowstorms, blew away during strong winds but was found the next day by the neighbor, had his arm ripped off in a snow skiing accident, broke his neck, got scratched by a cat, and was buried up to his neck in the sand, just to name a few. He was always repaired though and he was returned to the class in great condition! Sometimes he even had new clothing that had been custom made for him.
The first graders in Mrs. Craig’s class ended up hearing from a total of 19 states plus Washington, D.C. and 8 different countries which included France, Italy, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Mexico, Canada, and Brazil. As they heard from each host, they would each color their own map showing the place they had heard from. The hosts helped the class learn about map skills, the globe, weather, traditions, industry, famous landmarks, history, and so much more!