Living Wax Museum Put On By CCA Third Grade


Third graders from Clinton Christian Academy presented their Living Wax Museum at the Henry County Museum from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Their teacher, Mrs. Karen Patterson, let them choose a nice of a historic figure that was born or lived a good portion of their life in Missouri. They then needed to write a four paragraph report on that person as if they were the historic figure telling their story, memorize the report, dress up like the person, and make a poster introducing their character and be ready to present it to the public. Please come and meet Molly Brown, Nellie Tayloe Ross, Calamity Jane, Virginia Brown, “Stan the Man” Musial, Sacagawea, Annie Baxter, Emmett Kelly, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Susan Elizabeth Blow, Walt Disney, Mark Twain, Rose O’Neil, Betty Grable, Lamar Hunt, and President Harry S. Truman.