Warsaw Okays Plans For More Major Infrastructure Improvements


In late session Monday eve, Warsaw aldermen okayed a resolution which would bring a 75 percent federal grant to the city for improvements to its Drake Harbor rest rooms, parking lot, a bicycle route connecting to the Rock Island Rail Trail and some Polk Street updating. He added that Co-Mo Electric will provide part of the funds and the city will have other non-local monies to complete the project.

The meeting opened at 6:00 PM on February 5, with aldermen Rob Coskey, Eric Flores, Lou Breshears and Adam Howe present. Aldermen Reba Slavens was absent. The meeting was chaired by Mayor Eddie Simons and recorded by Clerk Jessica Kendall.

First business conducted was to approve the evening's revised agenda and January 2 meeting minutes, then agree to pay bills presented.

In early moments, interim Chamber of Commerce Director Megan Peterson outlined a February 20 "State of the Chamber" event from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM in the Warsaw Community Building, at which beer and wine will be served. Her plan was approved by the group.

There was no old business.

Under new business, the group approved two annual contracts with Warsaw Leathernecks and the Benton County Historical Society, the first for for small financial assistance, the Leathernecks for a minimal rental fee. Under consideration but not acted on were contributions to the Warsaw Area Chamber of Commerce and Benton County Tourism, which brought forth questions about their current services. That matter will be brought to an upcoming meeting.

Another agreement by the group was to amend the 2023 budget to agree with the city's actual ending balance in all accounts. City Administrator Randy Pogue commented that the amended 2023 budget was not a "budget buster."

In late session, the group appointed Francis Gatlin, Wendy Pute and Meghan Phillips to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. They also adopted an ordinance between the city and the MO Departemnt of Conservation Community Assistance Program to adopt CAT's Program. They then adopted a resolution that could bring federal assistance in developing the city's Smart Trail program with lights, Wi-Fi and a security system.

The group went into executive session about 6:40 PM. The public is welcome to its open meetings, usually held on 1st and 3rd Monday eves.