CC Ambulance District Asks: Where Do We Go From Here?


By now everyone has learned the voters turned down the tax increase needed to keep the Cole Camp Ambulance District operating in the black. No one doubts there is underlying fear the country may be headed into a recession and everyone is guarding their purse strings. So where does this leave the Cole Camp Ambulance District?

The Board has requested the much needed extra income to keep from operating in the red. Over the past several years, the District has suffered from State and Federal cutbacks. Most notably, the reimbursement by Medicare for ambulance related services has been drastically reduced. Loss of business in the area has affected the sales tax income. When this happens Districts are forced to either reduce their services or generate local means to fund current levels of service.

If the sales tax proposal had passed it would have allowed the District to provide additional services during peak times of the year. It would have allowed the District to be available for standby for school and community events. Enabled the purchase of new ambulances to replace aging emergency vehicles over the next five years. To upgrade other aging emergency equipment that is nearing the end of its life span. Allow the District to continue 24/7 Advanced Life Support response to emergencies.

The Cole Camp Ambulance Board will meet at the Ambulance facility on Monday, August 19 at 7 p.m. At this meeting the Board will have to make some hard decisions about the future services offered to the District and still stay within budget. There are a few options but the likelihood is the District will not be able to continue offering 24/7 service.

Tax Levy Proceeds goes toward operating expenses, equipment and vehicles. The District is owned and operated by the residents of the District. What level of emergency service that is provided was decided at the ballot box by the residents.