Deepwater Celebrates Purple Heart City Designation During Ceremonies


In a heartfelt ceremony on Veterans Day, Mayor Corrine Lesmeister officially proclaimed Deepwater, Missouri, a Purple Heart City. This honor recognizes the sacrifices made by military veterans, particularly those who have been wounded or killed in combat while serving the United States.
During the proclamation, Mayor Lesmeister expressed her deep gratitude to the veterans for their service and sacrifice. “Today, we honor the bravery and dedication of our veterans who have given so much for our freedom,” she stated.
The ceremony featured several moving tributes, including a performance of “Taps” by members of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) post, followed by a military three-gun salute. The patriotic atmosphere was further enhanced by singer Teea Goans, who delivered a powerful rendition of the National Anthem.
As the event concluded, Mayor Lesmeister called upon the community to remember and support both veterans and active military members. “God bless our veterans and our current military,” she said, underscoring the city’s commitment to honoring those who have served.
Deepwater’s designation as a Purple Heart City is a significant gesture of respect and recognition for the courage and sacrifices of its veterans.