Fire Department Raises Safety Concerns To City Council


In a regularly scheduled meeting the Clinton City Council met on Tuesday August 20 where Mayor Carla Moberly presided. Present for the meeting were Council Persons Gene Henry, Roger House, Austin Jones, Gary Mount, Shelley Nelson and Greg Shannon. Absent were Council Persons Cameron Jackson and Stacia Wilson. Others present included City Clerk Wendee Seaton, City Attorney Doug Harris, Deputy Fire Chief Mark Willings, Deputy Police Chief John Scott and Deputy Police Chief Abbott.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, minutes were approved from the August 6 meeting. There were no personal appearances before The Council. Reports were given including one by Economic Development Director Mark Dawson who gave an update on the status of existing projects, many of which are in the middle phase and require a lot of communication. There were no new projects for the month of August. There will be an Economic Development Luncheon on September 15.
City Council members were given a request by the Fire Department to outsource fire hose testing due to potential damage or injury to a fire fighter. Council Person Jones made a motion to approve outsourcing fire hose testing and recommended a quote from Fire Cat Precision Testing with three year pricing. Council Person House seconded the motion and it passed. In other Fire Department business, twenty applicants for new fire fighter positions were tested, with twelve being interviewed.
In unfinished business, a discussion of sewer fees took place. Three options were given with different ratios of the base fee and user fee. The 33.1% option of $14.23 base and $.061 user fee was chosen. Council Person Henry made a motion to approve increasing the base and user fee option by 33.1%. Council Person House seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 1 nay and 2 absent. Mayor Moberly declared the motion passed.
Before the meeting was adjourned Council Person House made a motion to table a an ordinance pertaining to pay plans until the next meeting. The motion passed and The Council adjourned at 7:00 PM.