CCA Band Department Receives Grant


Clinton Christian Academy has had a music program since its inception in 2000. As the school has grown in enrollment, its programs have expanded as well. Vocal music is taught from preschool through 5th grade. All students participate in the beginning band program beginning at grade 6. Concert band is offered to students in grades 7-12. The school owns the instruments that students play in the beginning and concert bands. With growing numbers and many aging instruments, most from the 1960’s-1970’s, CCA is striving to invest in some additional instruments in order to continue to facilitate our instrumental program. CCA is growing, and with our classroom numbers we are currently unable to provide instruments for every band student due to budget constraints and limited funds. Even having an extra instrument in the case of a needed repair has become challenging. Due to the challenges faced with the band program, Band Instructor Shawna Townsend submitted and received a grant from the Truman Lake Area Grant Program in the amount of $4909.
The goal of the grant project is to purchase gently used instruments for our band program, so that all students in band can have an instrument to learn to play. This instrument will belong to CCA; however, the students will be taking care of it and playing it for years to come. Currently we have CCA students playing in their church bands/orchestras and sometimes with our community band, but without the needed instruments, students will be unable to learn, so going forward they would be unable to participate in these things. We also have students who choose to play at the college level after graduating from CCA; therefore, these instruments will help prepare them for band in college.
CCA band students will be positively impacted by this grant project. Students are positively impacted by participation in music programs in many ways. Research shows that MUSIC STRENGTHENS YOUR BRAIN. The process of learning and playing an instrument increases brain power and functionality, resulting in a boosted IQ and improved concentration. Additionally, research shows that music programs help students improve memory, strengthens hand-eye coordination, helps students develop powerful study habits, and fosters teamwork. Music education builds community and broadens worldviews. Music education is an important aspect of providing students with a well-rounded education. When allowed to work in harmony with other subjects and areas of study, music helps children grow in self-esteem, build essential skills and prepare for bright futures. Thank you Truman Lake Area Grant Program for supporting the CCA Band Program!