Church News


Calhoun Community Church
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church. Our church family gathers at 9:30 am for pre- church food and fellowship. This is a special time for visiting one with another, welcoming guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. Tucker McNeely rang the church bell at 9:45 to call our church families to worship at 10:00 am.
Our prayer list this week includes Millie Redding, Dee Ensor, Debby and Clint Land, Sondra Short, Jean Dittmer, Amber and Pat Dittmer and baby girl, and Dave Burson; the wars in Israel and Ukraine, our military men and women and their families, as well as those in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue to grow, here on the southeast corner of the Calhoun square.
Joys to celebrate: What a beautiful and cool morning after a nice shower last night to celebrate and praise the Lord. We all enjoyed the chocolate chip cookies shared by Carol Lane for pre-church fellowship this morning; and thank her for sharing. Happy Birthday to Clark Bicknell on his 20th birthday; and wishes for many more. Mason Keller and Tucker McNeely lit the altar candles. Mason, Jackie, and Brylee, repeated the 23rd Psalm at the beginning of our service. Brylee Keller and Jackie Wilson served as ushers taking up the collection. We are so pleased to have these youngsters participate in our services. Special music today, “Celebrating the Love of Jesus” by Shelby Bicknell; our thanks to Shelby for sharing his talent. We were surprised and pleased to see Jeremy Reed’s picture and write-up in the Clinton Democrat this past week. It was a joy to have Jerry Reed in his usual pew this morning following knee surgery. We are pleased to know that Barbara Sales is doing much better in her new home in Texas. We praise the Lord for the rain, even if we have to mow twice a week and have to deal with wet gardens. We are a diverse nondenominational group here at Calhoun Community Church, we try to have a little fun as well as praise the Lord during our church experience. We have Sunday school for the youngsters during our church time with Debbie Joy as teacher. It is such a joy for Ms. Debbie and the youngsters have a great time.
We invite you to be our guest any Sunday morning at 10:00, come dressed as you are comfortable. Plan to receive a blessing for your effort, bring the youngsters and we will be blessed by your presence.

Church of Jesus Christ (of Latter Day Saints)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints invites you to come worship with us each Sunday, 10am-12pm.
Sacrament Meeting is held 10am-11am.
Sunday School is held at 11 am-12pm on 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Priesthood and Relief Society meetings are held at 11am-12pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Primary Class is held at 11am-12pm for children ages 4 through 11.
Nursery is provided at 11 am-12pm for children ages 1 through 4.
We have two full time missionaries (#660-890-4363) who are available to help teach us how to draw closer to our savior Jesus Christ and they are also available to help with family genealogy research. Two of our own Clinton Ward missionaries have returned home from their 2-year missions in Utah and Arizona. We still have one missionary who is serving his mission in Brazil, Juiz de Fora Mission.
Upcoming events:
Friday, 31 May, 2-6pm, Red Cross Blood Drive.
If you have questions, contact Brother Jerry Anspaugh at #660-351-3393.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered the first message in the Pray Like This series titled “When You Pray”. In this message, we were reminded that prayer should be a joy rather than a burden, and that the Lord’s Prayer is a gift to us from God. Prayer is simply communicating with God. Even Jesus spent time in prayer, especially praying for us. Part of being made in God’s image is being made to communicate with Him. Prayer is both conversation and encounter. Healthy relationships prioritize communication. Jesus modeled prayer for us so that we may grow our relationship with God. Wherever you are in your relationship with Jesus, we can all learn to grow in prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is a pattern or flow, provided by Jesus because it is essential in our Christian walk. In our conversation with God through prayer, we exchange our burdens for His peace. Some reasons Christians don’t pray involve pride, unbelief or being uninformed. Trust in the character and promises of God. Humble yourself and depend on Him. Prayer should be a delight, not a duty. Don’t be afraid to say “Lord help me”. There may be a prayer He is waiting for you to pray!

First Presbyterian
Sunday morning provided the perfect opportunity for us to gather together as a family of believers, let go of our fears and doubts, be at peace and praise our Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Nancy Gillard’s message titled Train Today for Future Trials was taken from II Timothy 1: 1 – 7. Kenn Tilus was in attendance at our worship service to share about the work of the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services during the Minute for Missions. He was also available during our Fellowship Hour to share more in depth information.
On Friday, June 7th the Presbyterian Women met at the home of Martie Zumbrunnen for their annual brunch. Food was provided by the executive committee. All women of the church were invited. The ladies will take a summer break then be back in full force, in the fall, supporting missions.
Congratulation to our graduates: Carley Combs and Ava Potter Clinton High School, Arlie Wilson Leeton High School and Abbie Hicks Central Methodist University BSN Nursing. We pray for them in their future endeavors.
Be sure to check out the brightly colored dresses for children in Africa hanging in our church foyer. They will soon be headed to their destination.
Toothbrushes in all sizes are needed for the Samaritan Center. Because Harvesters does not donate hygiene products, they are in demand. The Presbyterian Women request your help with this new mission effort. In the past we have donated several hundred toothbrushes. Let’s make a significant contribution once again. Please place all your donations on the foyer shelves.
Come fellowship and exercise at Tai Chi classes held here on Mondays and Wednesday at 10:00 am. It will help strengthen your core and improve your balance. An advanced class is available on Mondays at 11:00 am.
You are invited to visit First Presbyterian Church. A group of friendly, loving people will be sure to make you feel at home. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Check out the June newsletter and calendar on our website

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“Who So Ever Will”
God is a fixer, helper, the healing comes from God. No doctor, counselor, drug, or alcohol can go deep enough to help you. God knows the depth of what is in us.
To get total healing, submit it to God.
God likes to hear that you love him, like we like hearing it. That we will run to him.
God is here for you in the midnight hour, all the time. You just need to make up your mind that you want to follow him.
God will discipline us when we are obedient, but who so ever will, when you do it God’s way you will come out much further, will be happier.
When you look back, you will see it wasn’t as bad as you thought. God is not moved by the tears you drop from the discipline. When we learn how to praise him, walk upright before him, it all works out for us.
The rich young man thought his money was the answer. God is the answer.
Mat 19:16-26.
The thief on the cross realized who Jesus was and that Jesus did not deserve to be there. He asked Jesus if he would remember him when he came into his kingdom. Jesus told him, “This day, you will be with me.”
Luk 23:39-43.
Not everyone gets the chance to have that “deathbed” confession. How will you make it right when you had chances during the time you were up and moving?
Jhn 4:6-7, 10, 13-14.
The woman at the well was a Samaritan and was considered to be the lowest of the low. God had a plan, that included the Samaritans and us, the gentiles.
Rev 22:17-18.
He said, “Whosoever will, let them come.”
God is here to bless you, change what has happened in your life. He needs us to trust him. To change our will to his will.
When we fall in love with Jesus, we will do what pleases him and look for ways to please him. His will, his way, when we hive it all to him, he will work it out.
Nothing is too hard for him to make it right. He will turn it around and make it a change. All he wants is you. Whosoever will, let him come. Amen.

Valley Center United
Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. God loves you and has a great plan that is just for you!
We are an open and affirming church and welcome all to come and worship with us next Sunday morning!
The concept of sin separates us from each other. This sin is ever before us. There are many stories in the Bible that told of God warning people about what they should be doing and warning them about sinning. But some just laughed and thought they knew it all. They were in denial and set the warnings aside. They didn’t listen, they continued on their path of destruction. This warning that God gave was not of anger or meanness, it was of concern and love.
Today, we can also hear God’s voice warning us to be righteous, more productive and helpful. He knows that we will often wonder off and continue doing the things that we shouldn’t. But his message is loud and clear; we are the soldiers with the courage to fight the fight, run the race and keep the faith. It becomes very personal when we believe and let our faith guide us to stay the course. He wants us to bring God’s steadfast love into the world for all people.
We sing songs of hope and vision and continue to be people of faith. Listen carefully and you can hear what God has to say.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.