Church News


Calhoun Community Church
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church. We are a multidenominational Congregation. Our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre- church food and fellowship. We use this special time for visiting one with another, welcoming guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. We rang the church bell at 9:45 to call our church families to worship at 10:00.
Those on our prayer list are Sondra and Jackson Short, Grayson Lowe, Shirley Cardwell, Carla Puckett, Debbie and Floyd Joy, Wanda and Lynn Adams, and Donald Hill, Verna Walters, Dalton Conner, Paul Diaz’s father, Debby and Clint Land, Millie Redding, Amber, Patrick, and Brecklynn Dittmer, and Dave Burson. Special prayers were said for those folk in the southeastern U.S.A. who are dealing with the aftermath of hurricane Helene. We pray for our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily.
Joys to celebrate: We were pleased to have Rev. Short back following a short stay in the hospital last week. Carol Lane brought Vermont Maple cookies for our pre-church fellowship time. We thank her for her dedication. Gary Conner served as usher today. Special Music: by Shelby Bicknell was “Talking with Jesus,” our Thanks to Shelby for sharing. Harvesters Food Drop will be Friday, October 11th at regular time. We are a diverse group here at Calhoun Community Church. We try to have a little fun, show concern for each other, as well as Praise the Lord during our church experience.
We invite you to be our guest any Sunday morning at 10:00, come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the children for Sunday school, during the service and receive a blessing for your effort.

Church of Jesus Christ (of Latter Day Saints)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints invites you to come worship with us each Sunday, 10am-12pm.
Sacrament Meeting is held 10am-11am.
Sunday School is held at 11 am-12pm on 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Priesthood and Relief Society meetings are held at 11am-12pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Primary Class is held at 11am-12pm for children ages 4 through 11.
Nursery is provided at 11 am-12pm for children ages 1 through 4.
We have two full time missionaries (#660-890-4363) who are available to help teach us how to draw closer to our savior Jesus Christ and they are also available to help with family genealogy research. Two of our own Clinton Ward missionaries have returned home from their 2-year missions in Utah and Arizona. We still have one missionary who is serving his mission in Brazil, Juiz de Fora Mission.
If you have questions, contact Brother Jerry Anspaugh at #660-351-3393.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered the 3rd message in the ‘In The Beginning’ series in Genesis titled “The First Three Days”. Pastor Pat began with the question studied by James Hutton, “Is how Earth changes in the present the key to understanding how Earth changed in the past?”, followed by asking “Do we believe in God’s miracles?”. Several miracles are noted in the Bible, such as crossing the Red Sea, Jesus’ virgin birth, His calming the storm, and so on.
Whatever you believe or study, knowing every origin of the universe requires faith. You must choose whether science is always right and God’s Word needs to be re-evaluated or if God’s Word is always right, and science should be re-evaluated. James Hutton’s study is important but eliminates God’s ability to do miracles in creating the universe. In Genesis 1:1-13, space, time, Earth and light were created on the first day, the expanse of the universe on the second, and dry land and plants on the third. God can manifest His presence as light even without the sun. On the day plants were first made, they were both new and mature, created to reproduce, according to their kinds. Plants are God’s self-replicating solar-powered food factories. There is no deception here because God clearly tells us.
MidWeek opportunities are offered at 6 pm on Wednesdays for kids, teens, and adults.
Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm at the Vansant location for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups. GriefShare is offered on Wednesdays at 6 pm at the Vansant location.
Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’. We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
Have you ever been called to service by God and felt out of your element?
We often feel inadequate and so make excuses for not doing something or doing it half- heartedly. Our God is merciful and will lovingly guide us with His presence. If we falter or stumble, God is there to pick us up. So, let’s make an effort to serve joyfully and confidently. He will equip you with all you need.
Rev. Nancy Gillard finished her sermon series on the Armor of God this week with a message titled Put on the Helmet. Pick up the Sword. Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 was the scripture of reference. Gay Smith on the organ played the
anthem arranged by Lowe “Praise the Lord!”.
The Presbyterian Women will meet in Fellowship Hall Friday, 0ctober 4 th at 1:30 pm. The second lesson of the 2024-25 PW Bible Study, “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation” is Land Justice.
Gayle Dunahee is the hostess. All women of the church are invited to attend and enjoy the study as well as fellowship.
We continue to collect school supplies, Best Choice Labels, reading glasses and garden seed for Festival of Sharing. Your donations are creating quite a display on the foyer shelves. Sunday, October 6 th will be the last day we will collect these items. The CUT AND TIE DAY for Blankets of Love was on Wednesday, September 25 th . Thirteen fleece blankets were made and are on display in the foyer. Be sure to check these soft, bright covers out. They will be given to young girls and boys in our area when needed.
Tai Chi classes continue on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 am.
Strengthen your core and improve your balance. Come join in the fun.
An invitation is always extended to come visit First Presbyterian Church.
Friendly, people will make you feel at home. Worship begins at 10:30 am.
Check out the monthly newsletter and calendar on our website

Trinity Lutheran
“No Creed but Jesus.” This is a common expression among millions of Christians today. It is meant to promote the idea that churches don’t matter. Doctrines don’t matter. Everyone can believe whatever they want to believe. Just believe in Jesus. That’s enough. Someone doesn’t believe in original sin or baptismal regeneration? No problem. Someone believes a person cooperates in their salvation, rather than it being God’s work alone? No problem. The list goes on and on and on…
Lutherans all accept the doctrines of the Lutheran Church. They are specific and written down for all to see and understand. There is no ambiguity. They are not optional. All Lutherans believe all human beings are born sinful and separated from God. All Lutherans believe God alone works through Word and Sacrament to create and sustain faith in everyone who believes.
Where are these gifts of God most commonly available to people? In churches where the Word of God is proclaimed, the Law and Gospel are preached, and the Sacraments of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper are rightly administered. Trinity Lutheran Church-Clinton is one such church. In fact, all Lutheran churches who are a part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) are, also.
Come to church this Sunday. God the Holy Spirit has promised to meet you there in spirit and truth and teach all who hear, as Jesus commanded us to do.
Divine Service: 1 pm. Sunday School, Noon. Ph: 660.885.4728.

Urich Baptist
What glorious weather as we gathered at 10:30 A.M. for worship service. Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano and Mrs. Rebecca Sowell playing violin. The scripture passage that Pastor Josh read was from Genesis 12: 1-4. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from Pastor Joshua Sowell’s sermon was from Romans 9: 1-29.
This passage is about God’s sovereign choice. God desires to save us because of His intense love for us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. This passage tells us that His choice of seed for Abraham in verses6-9 and the seed within Israel in verses 27-29. In the verses of 10-13 and 25-26 tells of His love for His chosen of Abraham, as well as, His chosen across the world. In verses 14-24 it speaks of God’s justice and mercy that is revealed in the past and in the future. Everything in the Bible is inspired by God and true. Challenge yourself to read the New Testament and feel God’s love and be blessed.

Valley Center United
When we look around us, there is so much beauty to see and to rejoice over!
We are an open and affirming church and welcome all to come and worship with us next Sunday morning at 9 am.
Jim and Stephanie Neuenschwander will be hosting next Sunday’s “Sweet Sunday”! We will enjoy donuts, fun and fellowship together following our worship service! Join us on October 19th for our annual Oktoberfest! Serving begins at 3:00 until 8:00!
We thank David Maggi for sharing our wonderful message in the absence of Rev. Dane.
Each of us knows someone who always seem to be happy and positive. They embrace the miracles that they witness and are there to serve where they are needed. But, there is always that one who is the first to say that it won’t work or it can’t be done, even when it has been proven otherwise. They have a dim view of everything. They get so dark that they lock all of this negativity inside. We often wonder how did they get this cynical and just look for the mundane instead of the miracles?
Do you see the miracles or the darkness? It seems that often, even when we witness miracles, we continue to question them. What do we do with such negativity? First, we cannot let that darkness overcome us. We need to move forward, be positive and keep showing others the everyday miracles that are all around us.
“If you want it, you will find it; good or not, love or not. So whether you are that positive person or that chronic complainer, it is our choice which path we take.”
Always choose to be the example of goodness.
Dear God, we give you thanks for the miracles and love that you give to each of us. We thank you for this church on the brow of the hill that gives us so much love and acceptance. We pray that we will always look for the miracles around us, to help those in need and to see the good in all people. Amen