City Of Warsaw Hears Proposal For New Fall Event Downtown


Early in open session at Monday's meeting, Tracey Dockery spoke to the Warsaw City Council about a proposed Autumn Auto and Ale Fest to be held on Saturday, November 2 on Main Street in Warsaw. The new event would feature vendors, distilleries and entertainment and Dockery asked that Main Street from Benton Street to Commercial Street be closed. She will return to future meetings to explain all plans and discuss details more in depth for the Fest with the council. In the meantime, it was the consensus of the board to allow Dockery to proceed with planning.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Eddie Simons. Alderman James White, Eric Flores, Adam Howe, and Alderwomen Reba Slavens and Lou Breshears were present while Alderman Rob Coskey was absent from the quorum.

City Clerk Jessica Kendall recorded the minutes of the meeting.

In other business, the Council voted to approve a general revenue fund tax of $.4445 on the one-hundred-dollar valuation of all property within the City of Warsaw, Benton County, Missouri. The ordinance passed with the vote of Alderman Adam Howe, aye; Alderwoman Reba Slavens, aye; Alderwoman Lou Breshears, aye; Alderman Eric Flores, aye; Alderman James White, aye; Alderman Rob Coskey, absent.

An ordinance authorizing the mayor to execute a contract by and between the City of Warsaw and Emery Sapp and Sons, Inc. for improvements at Warsaw Municipal Airport Apron Expansion under state Block Grant Project 22-023A-1 was approved by the Warsaw City Council. The mayor is authorized to execute a contract agreement in the amount of $1,104,713 for improvements at Warsaw Municipal Airport Apron Expansion as outlined within the specification set forth under the State Block Grant Project No. 22-023A-1.

The ordinance passed with the vote of Alderman Adam Howe, aye; Alderwoman Reba Slavens, aye; Alderwoman Lou Breshears, aye; Alderman Eric Flores, aye; Alderman James White, aye; Alderman Rob Coskey, absent.

City Administrator Randy Pogue then presented updates to the council regarding several ongoing projects. Those included 1) a new sewer line to be installed near Park Place, 2) new restroom facilities and parking lot improvements on the city's Drake Harbor, 3) TAP Grant on the north side of the east end of Main Street, 4) TAP Grant on the south side of the east end of Main Street, 5) TAP RAISE GAP Grant, 6) improvements at Polk Street and Commercial Street near Walmart where lanes will be widened and a new entrance/exit for the Supercenter will be constructed off of Polk Street, 7) RAISE Grant, and 8) a master plan for the city's Lay Park.

Without any further business on the agenda, the group then exited into a short executive session regarding legal, real estate and/or personnel.

The City of Warsaw Board of Aldermen regularly meet on the first and third Monday's of each month.

Guests are always welcome.