Cole Camp Addresses Many Issues On City's Agenda


Prior to the regular monthly Cole Camp City Council meeting at 7:00 PM, a public hearing was held concerning the proposed tax levy for property taxes. This was followed by the regular meeting with the routine handling of monthly business.

Listed under old business was the Rock Island Trail. The mayor stated the council is not ready to vote on the TAP Grant concerning the trailhead and when it is handled it will be in closed session as nothing needs discussion.

The Cultural Survey is being done by Missouri State University and is paid for with a grant from Land, Water Conservation Survey. Council held a reading by title only on the Resolution No. 2024-05. This covers the new playground equipment for Butterfield Park.

Under new business, there was a first reading by title only of Bill No. 2024-10 dealing with the tax levy ordinance. It was read and approved and became Ordinance 564.

Next item up was Scott Industries (dust control). It was explained that previously the council had approved hiring Scott Industries to spray the gravel road leading south off Highway 52 to the school and a small section of Tower Avenue next to the Cole Camp Clinic. It was decided to find out the cost for this year and if the Special Road District and the school would again split the cost with the city, they would proceed.

Under committee reports no one was present so the business moved to the clerk’s report. The city plans on letting bids, possibly in February, for the sidewalks on north Maple after the completion of the historical study for the buildings is completed.

The clerk reported there are currently three dogs in the dog shelter and the city has received $100 donation for the shelter. Public Works reported they have been busy getting the city shaped up for all the fair visitors and it was decided to possibly patch some of the bad spots on the sidewalks on north Maple.

Also reported they had completed the new lift station for the sewer on Butterfield and asked if a new aerator could be purchased for Spring Street as it is not operating properly and is fifty years old. Council amended the budget $47,000 for the aerator.

The new culvert on Spring Street is completed and now the attention has been turned to the area of Pine Street and is hoping to spruce that area before the fair starts.

The police chief reported one of the police vehicles air conditioner is no longer working. Any repairs to the existing system will not hold and he had priced a new air conditioner replacement to be $4,000. It would take one and one half days to repair. Council amended the Police budget to $5,000 to pay the cost.

Under nuisance complaints, it was reported the complaint at Spring & Main has been dropped. Elm Street goes to court in October. Grove Street is still needing someone to remove the barn. Some complaints are done and off the books with only two or three ongoing.

The city attorney reported he had nothing to discuss in open sessions.

Benton County R-1 School Superintendent was on hand and stated the officer has been hired for the school. He was carefully interviewed and it was decided he has the right mind set to build a good relationship with the students.

The mayor reported everything seems to be going well with the website, and hopes everyone continues to beautify the town and be ready to welcome all the Cole Camp Fair visitors.

Roy Wagner, former Public Works Director, now retired, spoke to the council about the dog shelter and the need for a system for heating and cooling on mini-splits. He had contacted a company (qualified) from Marshal, Missouri and they had bid $4,500 to complete the job. He stated he had a donation of $1,554, plus another $1,000 and he asked if there could be $1,946 be given by the council to complete the project. The motion was made and passed. Roy thanked the council and requested he be allowed to oversee the project and the council heartily agreed.

Without further business on the agenda, the council went into closed session.