Community Betterment Group Discusses Recent Updates In Town


The Cole Camp Community Betterment group met at noon in Handel Haus on Tuesday, August 6.

It was noted the registered agent for the group needs to be updated and Susan Kyle said she would handle the matter.

It was announced the Kiosk purchased by the Chamber had been installed in Butterfield Park and the President observed the status of the grant for playground equipment at Butterfield Park needs to be reviewed.

It was mentioned the Public Restroom signs had not been installed at the Jaycee Gardens and after some discussion it was decided to put installation on hold until after the Cole Camp Fair. Also a decision of sign location needs to be decided. One definitely is needed on Maple and possibly Olive Street or the 52 highway side.

Roxy reported on the status of the Monarch butterfly garden located behind the German Table. It was noted the area surrounding the garden is not being mowed on a regular basis and Roxy said keeping the garden watered has been difficult with no water spigot close by. The group wants to improve the appearance of the area as the Fire Department has just added a nice deck area to the back of their structure and the new Bar/Grill opening on N. Maple will have a nice deck area too. Plus the area is used during the Cole Camp Fair for the Coon Dog shows and it is also the location for the Cow Chip throwing contest that is well attended.
Marge Lumpe stated she wants to do a follow-up on where there are actually Bicycle racks located and what areas still need some such as the Grocery store, Post Office, etc.

Due to the busy schedule everyone has during the Fair it was decided there would not be a meeting in September but the group will meet again on October 1, 2024.