County Schools Get A Summer Surge Of Super New Upgrades


As summer vacation time for Benton County students winds down, faculty and administrators prepare for students to return to the classrooms at Warsaw R-IX, Lincoln R-II and Cole Camp R-I. During summer break, the school districts have been working to improve the learning experience for all students.

"The only project that we will have completed from PROP KIDS is the John Boise Middle School cafeteria/multi-purpose floor," said Warsaw R-IX School District Superintendent Scott Gemes. "We are still in the planning stage for the rest of the projects. We are meeting on August 16 to look at drawings to send out for bid shortly. Due to the bond issue passing, it has allowed us to complete some projects with some of our current funds."

Facility improvements for the R-IX School District include: South School library, part of the South School roof, JBMS roof over gym and sixth grade wing, JBMS gym floor, JBMS kitchen floor, JBMS ISS room, North School Behavior room and teacher work room, South School Behavior room and office space, WHS Alternative Program (MoOptions) and WHS ISS location change.

The first day of school for Warsaw is set for August 20.

Students in Lincoln will have a brand-new gym for physical education classes as well as sporting events when they return to school on August 20.

According to R-II School District Superintendent Kevin Smith, the district has also completed a kindergarten through twelfth grade art room, weight room and computer lab.

“With the new construction we were able to remove the two mobile classrooms and move those classes into the brick-and-mortar building,” said Smith.

Smith said that projects not yet completed include the pre-kindergarten playground, which should be completed within the month.

“We also hope to begin a major renovation to our regular playground soon,” said Smith. “We anticipate it will be completed during the ’24-’25 school year.”

According to Smith, the cost of the project was approximately $7.3 million of which $6.3 million came from the No Tax Increase Bond Issue that voters approved.

So far, the remaining balances have been paid with reserves that had been set aside for this project. The project came in on budget.

Septagon was in charge of the building project for the Lincoln R-II School District.

“When school starts, we anticipate 520-530 students in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade,” said Smith. “We are very excited to start another school year. We are very proud of our school and can’t wait to see our students.”

At Cole Camp, the school district has been busy with a major building project. According to the CCHS Assistant Principal Lindsey Tinney, work is progressing on four new elementary rooms and a multi-purpose room. Projected completion is February 2025.

"New locks have been installed on all doors of the school and the junior high gym floor was refurbished this summer," said Tinney.

The first day of school for Cole Camp is August 20.

For more information on the three school districts, contact the central office at Warsaw R-IX, (660) 438-7120; Lincoln R-II, (660) 547-3514 or Cole Camp R-I, (660) 668-4427.