Fundraising And Outreach On Agenda For Chapter EN, PEO


A dinner party in September with spouses, a silent auction to raise money for foreign students studying in the United States, and an increased effort to find applicants for P.E.O. scholarships and grants were on the agenda of the August meeting of Chapter EN, P.E.O.
P.E.O is an international women’s organization that supports higher education opportunities for women through five projects, either low-interest loans, scholarships or grants, plus ownership of Cottey College in Nevada, Mo. Twenty-eight members attended the August 8 chapter meeting in the fellowship hall of First Presbyterian Church, with President Nancy Gillard presiding.
Martha Lowe presented a follow-up report on the International Peace Scholarship committee’s plans to raise funds to contribute to I.P.S. in honor of its 75th anniversary. The fund awards $12,500 scholarships to foreign students who are completing their last year of graduate school, many in the field of public health, in the United States or Canada, and will return home after they graduate to apply their education to serve their country. The chapter voted to hold a silent auction at the November meeting to raise funds for I.P.S. Martha’s committee also encouraged members to contact missionaries through their churches who might know women who are eligible for these scholarships.
Mary Ann Bath reported on the Star Scholarship, a $12,500 scholarship awarded to a graduating high school senior for college tuition. The application process starts in the spring of the student’s junior year, and is awarded to young women who exhibit leadership skills in extra-curricular activities and service to their community as well as academic achievement. Shirley Jordan suggested ways to locate outstanding women graduates for the Star Scholarship, including contacting 4-H and church youth group leaders, teachers and neighbors.
Kristi Kenney reported that the Nancy Calvird Shoe Fund purchased 264 pairs of shoes, which were distributed to school students in local school districts. The purchase was covered by $3,000 in donations, Kristi said.
Linda Wilson reported on the Missouri State P.E.O. convention she attended in Columbia in June, which was attended by 1,000 delegates.
Carolyn McAllister thanked hostesses Judy Doll and Marge Beasley for providing refreshments and the back-to-school table decorations. A potluck dinner with spouses is planned for Sept. 28 at the restored DX station.
One of two P.E.O chapters in Clinton, Chapter EN was organized on July 2, 1925, and is celebrating its 100th anniversary next year. For more information about P.E.O. projects, go to