Get To Know Clinton, MO - Business


Company Name: Connie and Jewels Consignment

Owner/Manager Name: Connie Todd

Corporate/Family operated: Family.

Year started/years in business: 2024

What made you become a business owner: I have had 5 stores before.

What was your mission at the start of your company: To meet people and rent out space.

How did you come up with the company name: My name and jewelry I sell.

What services or products do you offer: Purse’s, jewelry and more.

How many employees do you have: One.

What qualities do you look for in new employees: Family owned and employed.

What made you choose your company location: Liked the area for 20 years.

What is unique about your company? How do you advertise: Word of mouth.

What are your companies goals for the next year: Meet new people and rent out booths for embroidered towels with sayings, quilts, woodworking and more.