Get To Know Clinton, MO - Grace Green


Name: Grace Green.

Birthplace: Joplin, MO.

Years in Clinton: Just visiting family.

Family: Mom, dad, 5 brothers.

The best thing about living in Clinton: The town square.

Occupation: College.

What I want to be when I grow up: Nurse.

First Job: Sonic.

Favorite childhood memory: Going on vacation with my nanny.

The best time of your life was when: Now.

What do you value most in your friends: Loyalty.

Your greatest fear: Heights.

I hope I never have to: Bungee jump.

I’ve never been able to: Blow a bubble.

If I won the lottery, I would: Take care of my family and donate to animal shelters.

My dream trip would be to: Paris.

Hobbies: Softball.

Favorite band or musician: Taylor Swift.

Favorite movies: Anything scary.

Favorite drink: Coke.

Favorite snack: Doritos.

Favorite candy: Snickers.

Future goal: Finish school and be a great nurse.

Which person do you admire most: Tough choice between my mom and nanny.

Words to live by: Don’t be so serious, it’s ok to have fun.