Get To Know Clinton, MO - Stacey Miller


Name: Stacey Miller.

Birthplace: Tulsa, OK.

Years in Clinton: 13.

Family: Husband and 2 dogs.

Occupation: Medical coding.

What I wanted to be when I grew up: Movie Star.

First job: Waitress.

Favorite childhood memory: Making candy with my grandma.

The best time of my life was when: Spent the summer traveling with my grandparents in their RV.

What do you value most in your friends: Brutal honesty.

Your greatest fear: Plane crash.

I hope I never have to: Move.

I’ve never been able to: Sing.

If I won the lottery I would: Hide.

My dream trip would be to: Alaskan cruise.

Hobbies: Baking.

Favorite band or Musician: Halsey.

Favorite movies: Harry Potter.

Favorite drink: Sprite.

Favorite snack: Lays potato chips.

Favorite candy: Black licorice.

Future Goal: Travel.

Which person do you admire most: My grandmother.

Advice you would give your younger self: Don’t let others keep you down.

Words to live by: Do what you love.