Lakeview Heights Area News


Lakeview Heights and Golden Acres residents have been requested to think about becoming part of a volunteer group by the Lakeview Height Fire Protection District. As part of on-going efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of the community, the Department is seeking volunteers who own boats and are willing to assist the department during water emergencies.

In the event of a water-related emergency, having quick access to boats can significantly enhance the rescue operations, allowing the department to reach affected areas more swiftly and provide timely assistance to those in need. Your participation could make a vital difference in saving lives.

If you own a boat and are willing to volunteer, please contact the department with your information, the type of boat you own, and any relevant experience you may have. Your cooperation and readiness to support the community in times of need are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for consideration and for being part of what makes Lakeview Heights and Golden Acres such strong supportive communities.