Letter To The Editor


To The Editor,
When I ran for City Council I made a promise to you the voters, that I would work hard to address the numerous concerns you had plaguing our city.
Issues like: tall grass, junk, unlicensed/non-operable vehicles, abandoned and dilapidated structures, street and sidewalk conditions, speeding and other issues. Issues that are unfortunately projecting our city in a very poor image to businesses and industries looking to locate in Clinton.
Every single one of these issues has a solution. Currently I am in the process of developing such a plan to address these issues, but I need you the public’s help. I am proposing the establishment of a task force to identify these issues, prioritize those issues and come up with a plan of action of how to address them. This plan could include not only the city but other agencies to assist such as, townships, local construction companies as well as volunteer groups. Part of the plan would include a follow-up process, so when an issue has been addressed and or rectified, the reporting party{s) would be informed of the action taken for accountability.
I truly believe we have members of our city council and staff that would like to see all these issues addressed and would whole heartedly support such a project. We must work together across ward boundaries to accomplish these goals.
Due to the length of time some of these issues have existed and their magnitude, there are several hurdles we will encounter. Some of those hurdles might include: enforcement, funding, time schedules, legal support and community involvement.
Here’s where you the public can help, Start by contacting your councilmembers and encouraging them to not only support this program but to move forward with its design and implementation. I’ve heard the comment: “well every city has the same problems”. Yes, they do. That doesn’t mean we have to be complacent nor tolerate it. Why can’t Clinton be the leader in designing a plan to address and eliminate these problems? We just need to do it.

Thank You
Gary Mount
Ward 1 City Councilmember
To The Editor,
The voters have spoken. The two Henry County Commissioners who supported the solar panel invasion who were on the ballot last month were voted out of office. The two townships where the invaders want to put their panels endorsed having township zoning to keep them out. It would seem that there has been a clear mandate from the people that the Commission should put the brakes on. Right? Wrong, it appears.
For some unknown reason the Henry County Commission is proceeding full speed ahead to enter into an agreement with the out of state solar panel outfit to give them tax incentives and the impression that they are welcome here in Henry County. They are not welcome. So why are our elected officials doing this?
Please contact your county commissioners and tell them to do the right thing! Here is their contact information listed on the county website:
Contact Information:
Address: 100 West Franklin St., Clinton, Missouri 64735
Telephone: (660) 885-7200
Email address: rickw@henrycomo.com
Meeting Schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:00 a.m. until adjournment and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m by appointment.
One thing is certain. The presiding commissioner should be subject to a recall election so he doesn’t participate in trying to further damage the southwest part of the county.

Richard Shields
Former Henry County Prosecuting Attorney