Lincoln Chamber Discusses Events Remaining On 2024 Schedule


The September meeting of the Lincoln Chamber was hosted by Ed and Lori Shroeder at their home off Cedar Lane in Lincoln. The Lincoln Chamber generally meets at noon in Lincoln’s City Hall but quarterly they are hosted by a member in their home or sometimes, place of business.

The Shroeder's provided a buffet of Mexican cuisine that was enjoyed by everyone in attendance. The meal and the meeting was beside the backyard pool and provided a pleasant space for conducting Chamber business.

First topic was a report sent by Dorcas Brethower on the upcoming Balloon glow. Dorcas could not attend but gave a good accounting of the plans. She noted the grounds at Hare Park were ready, there would be 3 balloons, the 4th was unavailable so there would be no tethered rides offered. Epic Work Force was in place to do the clean up following the event and return the park to its pristine condition.

Dorcas and Glen have begun taking bids to have the walls finished and stabilized in the Green Space. Once that is done the group can move ahead with having the first mural added. It is the hope that enterprises can be found to sponsor various mural panels on the walls and a butterfly for photo ops is definitely a must.

Halloween’s Fright Night was discussed and it may be necessary to find a new chairperson to oversee this as the excellent person that has been spearheading this has reportedly developed some health issues. Vice-President Amy Biggerstaff said she would speak to her Drama students about the possibility of taking this event on as a class assignment.

Lori Shroeder voiced her concerns over planning another Christmas Craft Show at the school following the annual Parade hosted by the Chamber downtown. She said she wasn’t sure she could get the crafters to return due to low turnout in 2023. That was brought about because the traditional Chili & Soup lunch had been canceled so the crowds stayed away from the school.

Mayor Glen Nelson reported to the Chamber the Ferris wheel, Merry-Go-Round and the little Train in the Big Park will have to be sold as it can no longer remain on City property. The City’s insurance refuses to cover it and has insisted it must go. The City will act on the problem at the next Council meeting and it will have to be advertised for sale by the Park Board.

Jo Ann Lane, Benton County Economic Development Director, announced there will be a second Credit Workshop sponsored by Equity Bank and the Community National Bank. It is in Lincoln City Hall from 5:30-7-30 p. on October 9. It is free and a meal is provided as well as a gas card if needed. Seating is limited and you will need to register to attend. This workshop is very beneficial, especially for high school seniors that will soon be on their own to manage their finances.

The next Lincoln Chamber meeting is noon on Wednesday, October 9 in City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.