Ozark Foodie


What’s in a name? Well, the translation of the (French) name of Pomme de Terre lake is potato lake: apple of the ground. Potato lake might not sound as appealing to some but the name potato strikes all the right chords for me. I love potatoes in all forms.

I keep potato flakes in my pantry to add thickness to a soup, stew, sauce etc. Just a large pinch works and the flavor of the flakes won’t usually affect your creation. Much easier than making a slurry or using cornstarch.

I keep cans of whole potatoes on hand when a fast dinner is needed. High heat oven, olive oil to coat, salt and lots of freshly ground pepper. They get crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

When using instant mashed potatoes, I make sure to buy the kinds without chemicals; the ingredients list potatoes, salt and maybe butter. They are terrific.

I steam little potatoes, cut in half, scoop some out, salt and pepper, fill with sour cream and chives for an easy appetizer.

And I always have russet bakers on hand for baked potatoes. 400-degree oven, cut a cross shape ¼ inch deep, bake for 1-1/2 hours, take potato out of oven, squish to open, put back in for 5-10 minutes so the interior gets creamy and the skin is shatteringly crisp.