Roberts Takes Major Awards At Miss United States Ag Pageant


Warsaw native Amelia Roberts represented Missouri in the Miss United States Agriculture pageant in Enterprise, Alabama, July 11 through July 13.

Roberts competed in the areas of interview, public speaking, fun fashion and evening wear. Roberts won Most Photogenic, Evening Wear and was honorable mention.

“It was an amazing experience because I met girls from all over the United States,” said Roberts.

The Miss United States Agriculture Program is to designed to advocate for agriculture by using the crown and sash as an avenue to start conversations.

Contestants serve as educators and advocates for the agriculture industry within their state. Roberts made appearances throughout the year at fairs, parades, 4-H meetings, farmers’ markets and local farms and ranches to learn more about agriculture in Missouri.

“I would like to thank Campbell Family Farms and Ditzfeld Transfer Company of Sedalia for sponsoring me on this journey,” said Roberts. “I especially appreciate my mother, Angelia Watkins and Tatum Bohl who helped me prepare for this adventure.”

Roberts will be at the Missouri State Fair as a representative of the Miss United States Agriculture program on opening day, August 8.

Roberts is the daughter of Dr. Amber Campbell and Gary Roberts of Warsaw. She will be a freshman at Warsaw High School in the fall.