Chapter EN Plans Silent Auction, Dinner At The DX


Members of Chapter EN, P.E.O., met at First Presbyterian Church on Sept. 12 for their monthly meeting. Adele Barnard gave a program on identity theft to the 22 members present, followed by a business meeting chaired by Chapter President Nancy Gillard.
Chapter EN’s calendar includes a potluck dinner with spouses and guests at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the DX Service Station, Third and Greene. The station was restored by G.R. Lowe, spouse of chapter member Martha Lowe. Call a member of the yearbook committee if you plan to attend.
Chapter members are asked to bring a white elephant item for the silent auction at the Nov. 14 meeting to raise money for the International Peace Scholarship, now celebrating its 75th year. I.P.S. provides scholarships of up to $12,500 for women who are attending college in the United States or Canada, then returning to their home country to put their eduction to use.
P.E.O. supports higher education opportunities for women in the United States and Canada through the low-interest Educational Loan Fund, $25,000 Scholar Awards for women completing doctoral programs, $4,000 Continuing Education grants for women whose education was interrupted, and $2,500 Star Scholarships for graduating high school seniors.
Women nominated for scholarships, grants or loans must be sponsored by a local P.E.O.chapter, of which there are two in Clinton, IU and EN. For more information, go to
P.E.O. also owns Cottey College, a four-year women’s college in Nevada, Mo.