Chapter IU Of PEO Meets In October


Chapter IU of P.E.O. met on September 12, 2024, at the Rotary Building. There were 21 of us sisters there. We also helped out with a book drive for Pediatric Place. This student named Cole Middleton, who’s in an alternative classroom, really needed books for his class. So, Chapter IU was very successful in bringing books. It made this little boy really happy. The book drive for Pediatric Place is still going on until the end of September. In more good news ELF loans awarded to not one but two of our sisters.Camille Wetzel and Janie Wetzel have both received their letters that they will recieve ELF loans. Susie Wetzel gave us a super informative presentation about Cottey College. We even made plans to cherish the memories of our student in the coming months. Mark your calendars for our next meeting on October 10th at the Rotary Building. Peggy Arthur and Debbie Sieger are going to be our lovely hostesses.